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Thread: US immigration - Get the paperwork right!

  1. #1
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    May 2004

    US immigration - Get the paperwork right!

    A small warning to all who are about to go to Florida travelling under the visa waiver system - make sure your forms are absolutely perfect. I thought mine were but got picked up on a technicality and was turned away at the desk.

    As it happens the immigration officer was wrong (not just saying that) but they are not the sort of people you can challenge really.

    Nothing to worry about, just be meticulous.

  2. #2
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Sorry to hear about your problem, I've seen lots of people get sent back to correct these forms, nearly happened to my wife once but I noticed the error before we got to the desk and we corrected it while in the queue.

    Does anyone know of a website where people can view the forms (I-94W ?) before they travel so they know what to expect ?

  3. #3
    Gold 5 Star Member fiona's Avatar
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    Maidenhead, Berkshire
    I think it depends how they feel on the day, we have made a small mistake and he just corrected it, stamped our forms and wished us a happy vacation.

  4. #4
    Can only agree with the comments. The officers seem to get a bit "jobs worth" at times - especially recently.
    I now keep a number of spare forms that we have collected on various flights - I always ask for spare copies from the flight attendants

  5. #5
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Jun 2003
    Most if not all of the airlines carry info on how to fill them in correctly either in the onflight magazine or on their info tv channel and I noticed at MCO and Sanford recently that there is a member of staff checking them in the queue before you reach the immigration desks so you have enough time to correct an error before being sent to the back of the queue again.


  6. #6
    From memeory and please correct me if I'm wrong theres a bit at the bottom that catches people out: basically it says "for office use only" or words to that effect but then under this section at the bottom of the page is another bit to fill in.
    When we were over in march that people going along the queues(lines) pointing this out and also an announcement over the tannoy system.

  7. #7
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Yep, the bit after the 'Office Use Only' got me a couple of trips back. Sent me to the back of the queue

    Dos anyone know where I could get the forms *now* for a November trip (travel agent maybe)?
    It would save time and hassle but then again it does fill in a spare 20 minutes of 'flying limbo time' doing the families forms


  8. #8
    Florida Savvy
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    Aug 2004
    Airlines tell you if you are on a fly drive put "FLY DRIVE" in the address box. Then when you get to immigration there is a tannoy announcement saying "PLEASE BE AWARE THAT FLY DRIVE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE ON YOU IMMIGRATION FORM"

  9. #9
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    May 2003
    This year our forms were pre-checked by a lady before we got to the desk, we hadnt made a

  10. #10
    Gold 5 Star Member fiona's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Maidenhead, Berkshire
    We had someone per-checking too when we were out in July - even flying in via Cleveland as we did on a stopover.


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