Oh dear, I am really sorry to hear about this. I suppose the moral is that if anything seems to good to be true, it usually is. However, when BA did their offers last year with the Daily Mail we got a flight to Miami for £125 each, so these special offers do come good sometimes.

I am pleased to hear you contacting Tesco - I am sure they will investigate this thoroughly, after it is as much in their name as AA. The problem appears to lie with Travelbag, and the ad agency responsible for coming up with this should be hauled over the coals for this. Do you remember the hoover fiasco? They sold so many hoovers they couldn't keep up with production, and they were being sold in the markets for £5 because they were worth less than the flights. In the end they couldn't fulfil the flights and their name was mud. Heads rolled from the MD down! It might also be worth contacting the press, or perhaps the trading standards people. If enough people complain something might happen.
