Hubbie and I both wear contact lenses and each took a pair of swimming goggles with us on our recent trip for use in the pool and at any waterparks. Hubbie's pair of goggles even has glare/light reduction lenses! While we used them in the pool, we didn't use them at Wet'n'Wild and I was only effected with blurry eye syndrome [msnscared] on a couple of the slides and Hubbie not at all. In hindsight (no pun intended), I would probably wear the goggles on my next visit as you can just leave them around your neck when not on the slides.

It wasn't very busy on the day we visited Wet'n'Wild but we still hired a locker each to keep our bags in. The lockers are positioned immediately to the left when you enter, just outside the changing rooms. You will need to buy your keys at the Locker kiosk which is to the right of the entrance, opposite the swimwear shop. We just carried our towels around with us as it was quite cool that day. On a warmer day, we wouldn't have bothered as there is no charge to access your locker throughout the day and they're never very far away.

As to cost? If I remember rightly, is was about $8 for the two lockers all day. You are given a token and key for each locker and get a small rebate ($1) when you return the key and the token at the end of the day.

Have fun!

TIP! Don't take large solid bags. I only had a small back-pack and while the lockers are quite deep, the opening is not that big. Took a bit of squishing to get the pack in there.