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Thread: No response to booking enquiry

  1. #1
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    No response to booking enquiry

    Hi everyone,

    I enquired with some villas directly on OV but I’ve heard nothing back from any of the owners.

    Did I do something wrong? I’d have thought I would have heard from one of them at least, it was a few days ago now.

    is there any way to check?

  2. #2
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Hi, may be worth checking in your Spam folder just in case?

  3. #3
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Indian Ridge Oaks and East Sussex
    If you do a general enquiry then all owners with the correct size villa can get in touch with you if they have availability.

  4. #4
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Orlando Villas rules for replying to inquiries tell owners NOT to respond if they don't have availability. Personally, I don't agree with this approach, as it can result in exactly what you are experiencing. That may be what is happening in your situation.

    I would rather know that my inquiry was received and there is no availability than simply get no reply at all, and wonder what happened.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Kissimmee, Florida
    Just to correct that. We have 2 different types of inquiry. Direct (to a specific owner, from the form on their advert). And a general inquiry sent to all owners of a certain size property etc.

    For direct specific inquiries we insist that the owner does respond to the guest even if there is no availability. For general inquiries we ask that the owner does not respond if they don't have availability.


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