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Thread: US opening to UK visitors, anybody got any new information?

  1. #1
    Florida Expert Tonish's Avatar
    Join Date
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    York and London

    US opening to UK visitors, anybody got any new information?

    I know it’s all guesswork and nobody really has any clue what’s likely to happen, but we’re fed up and want to go spend a month or so in Florida. The latest info I can find online dates back to mid July and I can’t find anything which gives any kind of a clue as to when things might be likely to relax. This is a brief call out to anyone who may have come across anything which gives a glimmer of hope to share it so I can look at making some preliminary plans.

    Living currently in the centre of London and having become accustomed to empty streets, it’s quite astonishing how many tourists have suddenly appeared in the last few weeks. I’m hoping this relaxation is also on the way in the USA. I guess it’s more wishful thinking than anything else, but if anyone has come across some positive hints, I would like to hear of them. I’m assuming all villa owners here will be watching like hawks and are likely to have a bit more knowledge than I can glean from my google searches. I can understand your pain and I’m keen to provide one of you with some business as soon as I can!
    Last edited by Tonish; 12-08-2020 at 01:28.

  2. #2
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Yes your right as us villa owners are also desperate for our Florida fix! Not seen any info yet about the opening up of USA to foreign tourists but lets hope its not far away! Sure us villa owners will also be happy to accommodate when the time is right

  3. #3
    Super Moderator
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    We had our trip cancelled in May and really want to have a holiday and check out our home. We keep watching the news but unfortunately have not seen ay glimmers of hope yet.

  4. #4
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Apr 2009
    Ours was cancelled in June. Not expecting to be able to go this year sadly

  5. #5
    Florida Expert Madabouttigger's Avatar
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    Jun 2003
    Ohhh how exciting to be going back, are you planning on going to Captiva? I so desperately need a Florida fix, interested to know your plans?


  6. #6
    Florida Expert
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    The way things stand at the moment is you still cannot get a visa or ESTA of any type to travel to the USA. Trump's declaration of March of no entry until 31 December has not been rescinded yet so it's not looking hopeful plus you'd almost certainly need to quarantine on return if you could get there. My guests for October have just had their flights cancelled. We have been permitted to rent out with new cleaning rules since June.

  7. #7
    Florida Expert Tonish's Avatar
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    York and London
    Quote Originally Posted by Madabouttigger View Post
    Ohhh how exciting to be going back, are you planning on going to Captiva? I so desperately need a Florida fix, interested to know your plans?

    Hi Diane, sorry I’ve just seen your reply.

    I don’t know! It depends on when it reopens. We’re both fed up and want a lengthy break. A month or more in Captiva is probably our preferred option as we haven’t been for at least two years now, it may even be three.

  8. #8
    Gold 5 Star Member Lyn's Avatar
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    Does anyone have any idea if the borders might open up anytime this year. Our villa, like many others, stands empty and we can't wait to get back, hate snow and cold weather.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator DaveL's Avatar
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    The S.A. variant has been found in quite a few places in the U.S.

    It looks as if the U.S. might move onto the list of RED countries which could push visits some way into the future.

    Regards Dave
    Dave Lewis

  10. #10
    Florida Expert Madabouttigger's Avatar
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    Jun 2003
    I’ve just seen on the news that Airlingus have announced they will start flying back to New York and Orlando in June this year, have also been told that you can get ESTAs again, so perhaps things are starting to move forward at last.


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