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Thread: keeping children happy on plane

  1. #11
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Yes we have done this before and had no problems

  2. #12
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I think its a bit like taking your lap-top really.

  3. #13
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I was told by someone that you can't use the CD/DVD drive in a laptop on a plane.
    Is this not true then?


  4. #14
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Just for take off and landing, when we fly we get our 4 year old watching his dvds.[msnwink]


  5. #15
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by brizzle
    I was told by someone that you can't use the CD/DVD drive in a laptop on a plane.
    Is this not true then?


    Not true, just can't use it on take off or landing as previously said.

  6. #16
    Slightly unconventional but i always let my 3 and 12 year old have a couple of late nights before the big day.After the initial excitement of take off,looking out of the window etc they always fall fast asleep and they never seem to suffer with jet lag either....and most importantly I get to watch the movies in peace[msnwink]

  7. #17
    Florida Chatterbox mikewj's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    What is it about DVD/CD players on take off and landing ?

    Is it down to the laser affecting equipment somehow ?
    Mike & Sue Wooder-Jones

  8. #18
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by mikewj
    What is it about DVD/CD players on take off and landing ?

    Is it down to the laser affecting equipment somehow ?

    It is not just DVD/CD its all electronic equipment - video's, ipods, digital cameras etc - think they worry about interference - if you send a text message once the aircraft is moving it makes a noise and put lines all over the computer screens in the flight deck!

  9. #19
    Florida Savvy
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Digital equipment can remotely interfere with other external/separate equipment. I use digital radios at work and they have an annoying habit of occasionally setting off the shredder from a distance of about 10' and under.
    And that's without transmitting!
    I believe that hard drives within iPods, computers, etc also causes similar interference.
    Best to leave them switched off until it's safe!!!

  10. #20
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Don't forget spare batteries for the game boys. While you are there pop into Walmart - you may be able to pick up some games for $10. We got Pacman amongst other things. Keep them secret until the boredom hits on the way home, and you might have invested in some peace! [msnwink]

    We bought CD players out there for $20 each too.

    We have a whole set of travel games too , which are useful if they want play with someone else. Those little puzzles with 15 tiles you have to get in the right order. Look out for bits and bobs at school fete etc. I stash these things away for such occasions. Keep them a surprise though - you'll get a few extra minutes novelty factor.

    Story CDs are good too , such as Harry Potter or Jacqueline Wilson - you can hire them from the library or buy them cheaply on Ebay.

    I have 2 10 year old boys and a 6 year old. Swap seats every so often , so people get someone different to talk to / play with. Useful if they fight/argue which mine do![B)]


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