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Thread: Alamo save time

  1. #21
    Florida Chatterbox Tony G's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Ha ha! What a great story Bigblue!

    I had a similar experience, where the guy (I was renting from Avis at the time) tried to sell me on a BMW 3 series. I told him I didn't come to America to drive a European car. He told me I'd rented a Kia Sportage and told me how nasty it was.

    Just like your guy, his mood changed completely when I refused everything and I think I even caught him pouting like a child at one point. I went out to the lot and there was a brand new Ford Escape waiting for me - even had a leather interior, which I really wasn't expecting at this price.

    ...I wonder if they give the 'refusers' the nicer cars to take the sting out of the encounter in an attempt to allay a complaint?

  2. #22
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Stockport UK
    Arrived in Orlando two weeks ago. Used Alamo online check in before leaving the UK and Kiosk on arrival at MCO. All worked perfectly which is just as well as there was a large queue at the Alamo desk. Oh and by the way I used villa telephone number in response to telephone number question.

  3. #23
    Florida Expert Tonish's Avatar
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    Jan 2005
    York and London
    Quote Originally Posted by Macka View Post
    On another note, If when picking up a car, you find scratches/dents does anyone point it out? One time we tried to get the lady on the exit gate to sign for damage as no-one was there at the lot, she wasn't happy, but I made her sign for it in case the yblamed me. It was only scratches around the tailgate from cases and stuff I guess, but you never know.
    Yes, on our most recent trip the car had quite a few scrapes and dents on it. The lady at the exit gate really didn't want to look at it and we insisted. She had a look and said they were only interested if any dent was more than golf ball sized.


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