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Thread: Passport type and expiry question

  1. #1
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Passport type and expiry question


    My wifes and I passports expire in mid September 2013. They were 10 year passports and we have travelled to the states with them before in 2009. I was just wondering whether we would have to renew them before the trip next year in August 2013?

    I know this sounds a strange question but just wanted to check they would be still ok to fly on as they are a month inside the expiry date.
    Also our childrens expire in December 2013 are these too ok?

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Manchester, England
    As far as I know Lee, technically yes you are fine to travel on those passports, providing that you won't be in the US after they expire ... but ... is this a good idea?

    What should happen is that when you enter the US, instead of being granted the usual 90 days you will instead be granted leave to remain only up until the date your passport expires. You *must* be out of the US by that date, otherwise you'll be classed as an overstayer; which basically means you can forget ever going back there.

    It doesn't sound too big a deal, but what if some circumstance cropped up that caused you to remain in the US? A medical emergency? Volcanic ash?

    Having only a month or so left on your passport when you arrive at immigration *may* cause the immigration officer to raise an eyebrow and ask you a few extra questions. Or it may not. It likely depends on which IO you get on the day. IMHO the immigration officers these days appear more friendly than the bad reputation they had a few years ago; but they're still strict. The approach is still that you are asking them for permission to enter their country.

    So in terms of the above - yes, you can travel on these passports, but in all honesty, why would you? If you are within nine months of your passports renewal date the passport office will add this time onto your new ten year passport, so you don't lose anything by renewing early. So just renew them well in advance, remove any worry about any of the 'what ifs' that could go wrong, and have a great holiday.

  3. #3
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by JackoFamily4 View Post

    My wifes and I passports expire in mid September 2013. They were 10 year passports and we have travelled to the states with them before in 2009. I was just wondering whether we would have to renew them before the trip next year in August 2013?

    I know this sounds a strange question but just wanted to check they would be still ok to fly on as they are a month inside the expiry date.
    Also our childrens expire in December 2013 are these too ok?

    Many thanks
    From experience I ould say renew them before they are due (you can renew anytime but only 9 mths will be credited so if youu do them in January you'll get the full 10 yrs 9mths.). Passports are going down by 5 soon as well (typically just after we have renewed ours.

    The US state that you DON@T have to have 6 months validity on you passport now if you are from certain countries, the UK being one, BUT when we travelled in Dec last year with my husbands passport running out in March (which e had all the paperwork to renew and then realised if e did we would have to get new ESTAs which you pay $14 for and figured as we weren't travelling again till the summer we may aswell not renew his passpot till after our trip.

    At immmigration (MCO) it was picked up he didnt have 6 months and we said said we had checked and the website and info said it wasn't necessary not, he agreed but aid if you don't have 6 months they have to take you into secondary questioning, which he did much to my husbands annoyance where they kept insisting you SHOULD have 6 months. I know others who have had no problem with a shorter expiry date but since it is down to the UIO on the day then for peace of mind I would renew.
    Babblin Boo

  4. #4
    Florida Junior
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    Aug 2012
    Hi, thanks for the information. I'll take your advice and renew in the new year.

    How much does it cost to renew and how long does it usually take?

    Thanks again

  5. #5
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    It's going down to £72 but not sure exactly when. How long it takes is guesswork, if you do the check and send at the post office they aim to have it back within 10 working days but people seem to have been getting them back fairly quickly, it just depends how busy they are Ii guess.
    Steve we must have been typing at the same time or your clock is faster than mine as your reply wasn't there when I posted, I wasn't copying you honestly
    Babblin Boo

  6. #6
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Manchester, England
    LOL Steph! I think we both came up with the same answer though - so all's good.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator florida4sun's Avatar
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    Bromsgrove, UK.
    did 2 renewalls and replacement of alost passort this year. All were returned with 10 days. Make sure you fill the forms in properly, post office do a checking service if you need it.


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