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Thread: USA travel insurance

  1. #11
    Florida Chatterbox sunseeker's Avatar
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    I would like to think that everybody appreciates the NHS, but it doesn't mean we have to like the way it is run. Lest not forget every single penny spent by the NHS comes from the tax payer, There is NO such thing as government money.


  2. #12
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    I have private health care through work and I have to have a steroid injection in my heel and plantar fascia. A friend had this done under the NHS with no sedation. Going private has meant I can be sedated, as apparently it is very painful and uncomfortable (and I am a big baby too). I have to pay extra tax for this benefit in kind and no reduction on my NI contributions. The consultant wanted a MRI scan and just had the bill through from CIGNA, the cost of this was £691 and would assume similar costs under NHS, we don't see the bills.

  3. #13
    Super Moderator MTP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunseeker View Post
    I would like to think that everybody appreciates the NHS, but it doesn't mean we have to like the way it is run. Lest not forget every single penny spent by the NHS comes from the tax payer, There is NO such thing as government money.

    One factor is, though, that as it is "free" people at times assume it is without value. Who cares if you miss an appointment, it's free after all.

  4. #14
    Florida Junior appinlad's Avatar
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    Interesting experiences many thanks for sharing with me. Hopefully I will not have to repeat the experience :-)
     Sent from my iMac

  5. #15
    Gold 5 Star Member Lyn's Avatar
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    This has been an interesting thread but why is it under car hire?

  6. #16
    Florida Expert Sniff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunseeker
    There is NO such thing as government money.

    Off topic probably, but of course there is - not all government money comes from taxes, although granted this is probably a large part. But there are other sources

    Tax revenue. This is the most obvious. Government sets a tax policy, people pay their taxes, and government has money.

    Fines and penalties. Government writes a law with a punishment of a fine or a penalty, and collect money from offenders with the threat of even more punishment.

    Fees. Government provides a service that only government can provide, and charges a fee to cover the costs.

    Borrowing. Government promises to repay loans at a given interest rate. This is really a future tax, since one day those loans will come due, and that generation of taxpayers will pay the bill..

    Lending. A lot of governments also lend money, for which they charge interest

    Trading. Some governments engage in economic activity such as currency trading. The money government earns from this is revenue.

    Sales of assets. Many governments sell off assets (property, gold/silver, or some other asset). This can be extremely lucrative - the sale of the 3G mobile phone spectrum in the early 2000s raised over £22 billion for the government

    Printing. Government has the power to print money, and can raise money simply by creating it.

  7. #17
    Super Moderator MTP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyn;along
    This has been an interesting thread but why is it under car hire?
    Whatever made you think that?

    Ahem. Move along! ;-)

  8. #18
    Florida Expert kitch50's Avatar
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    Sneaky Euan .... [msnwink]

  9. #19
    Gold 5 Star Member Andrena's Avatar
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    Biggest problem with the NHS is that just because it is 'free' people abuse it. My GP friend tells me that he has people coming in for a prescription of Asprin as, at least here in Scotland, prescriptions are free. When he tells them that it is very cheap and can be bought under the counter he is told that 'why should they pay for it if they can get it for nothing'. That is why it costs so much. I don't think that doctors should be able to write a prescription for something that is available over the counter.



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