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Thread: Days 4 - 6

  1. #1
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Days 4 - 6

    Day 4. Once again we woke early and decided that we wanted to go to a water park, so we headed off to Aquatica and arrived just before they opened. In the queue we saw a sign advertising the Cabanas and decided that this might be a good idea. It turned out to be a fantastic idea as it created 2 completely different experiences at the park. The busy fun area of the main park and a quite, peaceful area in and around the cabana. it was also a great place to come back to with its own locker and fridge. I highly recommend doing this. We left at about 5pm and as we were all hungry, we headed to the TGI fridays just outside the park. I am not a fan of TGI's but the children really like the Jack Daniels chicken strips so was out voted.

    Day 5 - the children put up a strong case for having a lazy day by the pool at the villa, so this is what we did until about 4pm when we headed out for sea world. We did all the rides (well my wife and I did), fed the dolphins and then headed off to Outback for tea... we called ahead, but still had a 30 minute wait when we got there. At dinner the children told us that whilst they could see how much we were enjoying the parks, it wasn't really for them!!! Surly there is something wrong with this picture! They then told us that they had been looking on the net and there were lot's of other things to do around Orlando that they would really like to experience. A compromise was reached. We would go to IOA, Busch gardens and a full day at seaworld, but not any of the disney parks (shame we came with four 14 day ultimate disney ticket, but we have not used them so should be able to sell them on). The other days, they could chose what we would do.

    Day 6 - Children's choice day - they wanted to go on an airboat ride and see some wildlife, so we headed off to boggy creak. We booked on the small 6 seater boat and had a great time getting really close to some of the wildlife (we got hissed at a few times) and then being flung around the lake. We then headed back to the villa (Via a quick stock up at target) and got ready to head out for dinner at Manny's. Both of these were firsts for us - Mannys and the Airboat ride and both were excellent. I don't think I have ever eaten as much as I did at Manny's - it was all just soooooo good.

  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Worthing, West Sussex
    Day 6 sounds just perfect to me!

    We loved Boggy Creek and also love Manny's.
    Not long now until we will be there (Manny's that is)!!

  3. #3
    Gold 5 Star Member eagleydo's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    We tried Mannys for the first time on our last trip, definately can't wait to go again. Love the report, bit about the parks and the kids made me smile. I totally adore doing the parks and i dont even do rollercoasters because I am too chicken but I love the atmosphere the noise and the rides that don't go upside down.

  4. #4
    Florida Chatterbox Dads_Taxi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Manchester, UK
    If I'd spent nine hundred quid on Disney tickets and the kids said it wasn't their idea of a holiday, it wouldn't make me smile !

  5. #5
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dads_Taxi View Post
    If I'd spent nine hundred quid on Disney tickets and the kids said it wasn't their idea of a holiday, it wouldn't make me smile !
    Too true, fortunately we hadn't activated them and so I hope someone will take them off my hands, we have some friends coming out later in the year! We had activated the universal and the seaworld / busch gardens ones - hence the fixed choice of parks!

    To be fair, we are having a great time exploring places we would never have gone to and they have done disney a number of times in the past.


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