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Thread: weather worries...

  1. #1
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    weather worries...

    I am very worried about the current weather in Florida. I am due to fly out on Sat for two weeks and the forecast just seems to predict thunderstorms every single day :-(. Could someone please share any advice or thoughts on this? I dont want it to rain!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
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    Feb 2003
    The forecast is a bit like here ie we were told we would have heavy storms today and all we got was drizzle so they are not 100% accurate. You might get some rain when you arrive as Irene is passing by off the coast this weekend but normally when it rains this time of year in Florida it tends to be short sharp showers which dry up quite quickly. The storms also tend to be very localised so you might not see any rain even though the forecast is showing storms.

  3. #3
    Moderator christhear's Avatar
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    Westbury,Davenport,Florida.& Hemel Hempstead
    Can confirm that the weather is so localised that you can't really tell what is going to happen. We spent the day at Epcot yesterday and had a couple of spots of rain, got back to the villa 15 minutes away and we had had 1 - 2" of rain. If it rains whilst your at a park go to an indoor attraction or for a spot of food and its all cleared up again.

  4. #4
    Gold 5 Star Member SDJ's Avatar
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    Windwood Bay/Tavistock, Devon.
    Don't worry about the rain.[msneek] It does not hamper your holiday and sometimes it is nice to feel a little cooler with the temperature in the 90's every day. You cannot tell from one mile to the next what the weather will be it is so localised, and as already said, does not last very long. Enjoy looking forward to your trip and don't worry about rain....it's just not the same as UK rain[msnwink]

  5. #5
    Florida Expert
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    Llanharry, Pontyclun
    Like everyone says, the weather is definitely very localised. We were at Universal yesterday, not a drop of rain, yet we got to the villa and it had rained. You will get rain most days, but again it can be localised...I wouldn't worry and go and enjoy your holiday.

  6. #6
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Apr 2004
    As said above, you will usually get heavy rain for short periods - usually in the afternoon - and sometimes with thunder

    However getting a bit wet in the temperatures in August isn't a problem - you quickly dry.

  7. #7
    Florida Newbie
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    Apr 2004
    Nottingham, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
    If you're at a park, watch the staff - Disney are particularly good at this - notification of rain is quickly spread form one park to another and when they start 'weatherproofing' stuff look for something inside!

    I went in August in 1998 and we had a thunderstorm every day - albeit they are usually over and done with in 20 mins. You can almost set your watch by them. Watch out if you are driving when one hits - sometime traffic just stops as people wait for them to pass (knowing it won't be long)

    It never ruined our holiday and, as others have said, actually makes the evenings more bearable!

  8. #8
    Florida Chatterbox DisneyPrincess's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    You shouldnt worry about it - it is the hurricane season in Fl and subsequently rain is part of it. We always go in the Summer and the weather is SCORCHING - the rain is short, sharp and over with in minutes usually. Quite often it was a welcome relief as it cooled things down! You will have a brilliant time.

    P.S The storms when thundery are epic - my other half loves to watch them!

    Have a great holiday!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Worry not

    THe rain is nothing- seriously- not an all day or week job, just a quick tropical cloud burst -really heavy, and over and dry in 5 mins! I took a photo of the rain from my pool deck 2 weeks ago- it was a storm that lasted literally 1 minute, and then was sunny and dry 5 mins after ha ha

    [tried to upload photo, to no avail!]

  10. #10
    Gold 5 Star Member Lyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Chatham Park, Kissimmee & Glenfield, Leicester
    When going at this time of year you have to expect rain & thunderstorms, but it will not spoil your holiday you would be very unlucky for it to last more than 20 minutes. 20 minutes after that you would not know it had been raining - all dryed up and sunny.


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