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Thread: single mum ANY Chance?

  1. #1

    single mum ANY Chance?

    Hi I am a 42year old single mum and would truly love to move to the States. I would be able to purchase property outright and have savings. I also receive a pension so have monthly income as i am a retired Police Officer. I would really like to work but think i would be able to get by on pension and savings if this was not permitted. I have one son who is 4 years old and I would like him to attend a state school. Is there any chance of me being able to carry out my dream? Any advice or help gratefully received.


  2. #2
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Hi Lesley,

    I think you can do it. Just research your project to the best of your ability (this means talking to people in your country, over here in the USA, books, read about the economy, the government, etc.). When we first came over here permanently we didn't have a child so it made it that much easier for us. We didn't have much of a savings or "real" jobs come to think of it and we lived in a small apartment...it was a long time ago and since then we have excelled greatly. It's not easy to make it here...or anywhere for that matter. If it is your dream, make it come true.

    As for schools, my daughter (8 y/o) goes to a private school, not a state public school because the education isn't as good. So we spend a great deal of money on her uniforms and her tuition.

    And WELCOME to the forum!
    Anderson, Amirah & Andrea Amarante

  3. #3
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    May 2003
    quote:Originally posted by Amirah

    Hi Lesley,

    I think you can do it. Just research your project to the best of your ability (this means talking to people in your country, over here in the USA, books, read about the economy, the government, etc.). When we first came over here permanently we didn't have a child so it made it that much easier for us. We didn't have much of a savings or "real" jobs come to think of it and we lived in a small apartment...it was a long time ago and since then we have excelled greatly. It's not easy to make it here...or anywhere for that matter. If it is your dream, make it come true.

    As for schools, my daughter (8 y/o) goes to a private school, not a state public school because the education isn't as good. So we spend a great deal of money on her uniforms and her tuition.

    And WELCOME to the forum!
    I'd not be so quick to say she could do it.....I have friends with degrees coming out their ears who are finding it hard to get a visa.......I agree its always worth looking into a dream......but I think its only fair we tell people who wish to move here what a long hard road they could have ahead.....

  4. #4
    Super Moderator florida4sun's Avatar
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    Bromsgrove, UK.
    If you are from the Uk then no you can do it without investing in a business and employing us citizens. There is no option for simply movig here and retiring (or working). U nless you have close relatives who can sponser you. Sorry.

    quote:Originally posted by Lamped

    Hi I am a 42year old single mum and would truly love to move to the States. I would be able to purchase property outright and have savings. I also receive a pension so have monthly income as i am a retired Police Officer. I would really like to work but think i would be able to get by on pension and savings if this was not permitted. I have one son who is 4 years old and I would like him to attend a state school. Is there any chance of me being able to carry out my dream? Any advice or help gratefully received.


  5. #5
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    May 2003
    quote:Originally posted by florida4sun

    If you are from the Uk then no you can do it without investing in a business and employing us citizens. There is no option for simply movig here and retiring (or working). U nless you have close relatives who can sponser you. Sorry.

    quote:Originally posted by Lamped

    Hi I am a 42year old single mum and would truly love to move to the States. I would be able to purchase property outright and have savings. I also receive a pension so have monthly income as i am a retired Police Officer. I would really like to work but think i would be able to get by on pension and savings if this was not permitted. I have one son who is 4 years old and I would like him to attend a state school. Is there any chance of me being able to carry out my dream? Any advice or help gratefully received.

    Martin is really saying it as it is.......sorry Lesley......but its very hard to get a visa if you live in the UK.. without having a job offer from the USA.......or buying a business and employing US citizens... but I always think its worth going into it yourself.... go with you eyes open.......America is not the land of milk and honey.....you have to work long and hard......most families need two working parents to make end meet....running a home puts a big hole in your paycheck.....there are lots of sites about that are just for people thinking of moving over here.....they can give you lots of info........good luck....

  6. #6
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Amirah, I dont know where you came from but it is very difficult for UK citizens to get a visa from the London US embassy. I see on your profile it says you are a professor and that is one way in - on an exceptional ability or national interests waiver visa. But you need to be outstanding in your field for this. Orlando is knee deep with retired police officers on E2 visas running businesses they have bought to get them in. It is not a profession where you can really get an employment based visa. To get a job here, you need labour certification, to say that there is no American who can do the job.

    I would agree with all the othere have said. You need to buy a business making an investment of typically $100,000 on a business employing Americans. You would need to purchase that and rent somewhere to live or buy with a mortgage. There is no retirees visa. If there were, I would be on it and would have kept my money in the bank instead of having bought a business.
    Being a single mum is not a problem. Getting your kid educated no problem either. They dont in any case check visa status on enrolling at US state school. All the kids of illegals attend. If they did check status, there would be a sub-class of uneducated children here.

    I would also echo what others have said about living on a limited income here. When you go on holiday, you buy meals out, electrical goods, CDs, DVDs, gas and clothes. All cheaper than in the UK. Everything else that you need when you live here is tons dearer. Insurance ( car insurance is huge), healthcare, food in the supermarkets, utilities, college fees. You cannot "get by" here. This is a hard hard country without money.

    Suggestion. Train to be a nurse. That is a sure fire way in and straight to green card. This is because there is a huge shortage, especially in Florida.

  7. #7
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Mar 2003
    I came from Egypt and my husband from France. We met in college in Egypt. We came here to attend a University and we ended up staying. If you all say it's hard to get a Visa to come over from the UK then I believe you and she should take take that into account. You all know better than me and I only gave my perspective because it worked for me and a lot of other immigrants. It may be hard, but not impossible.

    I agree with you all when you say that America is no picnic and it's not as easy to jump right in at first. Like I said before, she needs to do her research and try to find some options for herself if she really wants to do it.
    Anderson, Amirah & Andrea Amarante

  8. #8
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Feb 2002
    So which visa, Amirah, was I right??? Or I guess both of those countries can enter the lottery which we Brits are also excluded from!!

  9. #9
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    You are right Julie, both my husband and I were granted a visa to study. You're right, it wasn't easy getting over here and I tend to forget the severity because it was such a long time ago.
    Anderson, Amirah & Andrea Amarante

  10. #10
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Feb 2002
    In case anyone is wondering about those two visas, anyone with a PHd has a good chance of getting in on outstanding ability or national interests waiver. If you have written a paper on your subject which has been published so much the better. They lead to green card. Oh why did I give up studying!!!


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