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Thread: problems at point of entry

  1. #1
    Florida Savvy Majik's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    problems at point of entry

    I saw this link on another forum and thought it might be of interest to those who are taken for further questioning when arriving in the USA.


  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member SDJ's Avatar
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    Nov 2005
    Windwood Bay/Tavistock, Devon.
    Thank you for the link Majik. I have problems with fingerprints and always have to go for secondary questioning. Getting annoyed with it now...maybe it has something to do with coming from Tavistock not too far from Plymouth!!!![msnwink][msnwink]

  3. #3
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    If you made a complaint, it would be on the computer the next time you visited the US. I wonder how this would affect the attitude of of the Immigration Officers(IO) on that visit?

    My main irritation is the curtness, bordering on rudeness, of some(not all) IO. For instance I have entered the USA via Chicago en route to Orlando some 20 times. On one of the last occasions the IO demanded to know why I didn't fly direct to Orlando. I explained that I fly where possible from Manchester with AA which is cheaper than Virgin. He then wanted to know why a Brit would fly on a US airline, so I had to explain air miles - elite status - ability to upgrade with miles etc. He stamped passport and waved me through without saying anything.

  4. #4
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Apr 2009
    Some years ago at Las Vegas airport my wife and daughters fingerprints were switched by mistake. Ever since this has caused secondary questioning usually with some humour thank god. Since my wife's passport has been upgraded to the biometric type she has not had a problem but the daughter still does even though they always say that it is sorted now.

    Last year at New York when she was taken to the usual separate room she was sat next to a man taken from our flight in handcuffs. He told her he was stopped from boarding a flight to Chicago and put on a flight to New York in first class with a sky marshal as they mistakenly thought he was on the FBI's most wanted. When called to the front the man turned and smiled at the daughter "is it ok if I leave my bag with you, don't worry it's not a bomb"

    When called to the front she decided enough was enough and strongly complained that this happens every year and every year they say it will be sorted. They handed her some forms that explained everything Majik has posted a link to. When we got home we intended to follow it up but the more we delved into it the more we were concerned that it may have an effect on her esta or with immigration next time. Even though it was their original mistake the onus on sorting it was left entirely with my daughter. We left it in the end and hope things are sorted when she updates her passport on a couple of years.

    In a couple of days we fly into Sanford so I hope things go OK. I do have to say though that in the main we have had good humour and politeness from the immigration staff, never had the sort of things that Robert5988 has been subjected to. The first time my wife and daughter got taken away the immigration guy came over and jokingly asked if I would like a taxi called so I could make my get away while the ladies were detained and for $50 would I like them held overnight .
    Last edited by vickk; 20-07-2011 at 10:15.

  5. #5
    Florida Savvy Majik's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    We were interested in the link because a few years ago my husband daughter and myself flew to MCO via Toronto with Air Canada. Immigration said there was a problem with our finger prints being mixed up and we were all taken to a room for 'further questioning'. However although they kept us waiting for 45 minutes no further questions were asked and we were told we could go. On our next trip my husband and I flew MCO via Charlotte and we were again taken for questioning. This time my husband was taken to yet another room and his finger prints taken. It was not a good feeling to be separated! However we were eventually let go. Have travelled many times since with no problems so hopefully it has been sorted.

    I see what you mean Sandra! Maybe Devonians come across as a little strange!

  6. #6
    Gold 5 Star Member SDJ's Avatar
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    Windwood Bay/Tavistock, Devon.
    Hi Majik, I have only lived in Devon for 46 years and was born near Manchester which is where I spent the first 20 years of my life. I doubt I will ever be able to claim I am a Devonian.[msnwink]



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