I see it is almost $4/gallon.
I see it is almost $4/gallon.
Last edited by Father; 04-01-2012 at 14:13.
It still work out to be half the price of what we pay in the UK even at $4. there is 3.78 ltr to a US gallon and petrol is still £133.9
The closer we got to Miami airport yesterday the higher it went (what a surprise!) until just before turning off the 27 onto the road leading down to the airport and then even the lowest grade petrol was over $4 a gallong. The day before they were reporting on Bay News 9 about petrol prices and stating 1 year ago they were $2.82 a gallon.
I'm not too sure about the UK as I don't live there, but Florida is so cheap compared to here in Greece. We got back to Greece last week following 6 months in Florida and were horrified when we filled our car and it cost us the equivalent of $120 for a tank. It's just over $10 a gallon here, so I'd love to be paying $4 a gallon!
Petrol was much cheaper in Orlando than around Fort Lauderdale. It was $4.29 at West Palm Beach.
Recently, on the way down to Lake Worth, via the Turnpike we filled up our tank (it was already half full) on a large 7 seater SUV and it only cost us $30. We were amazed as we were expecting to have to put in around $40 - $50 for half a tank.
Put £30 into our Citroen Picasso on our return and it only went up 2 notches!!!! [msnmad]
We would take $4 all day. My company uses a lot of road haulage & it makes work life very difficult.
Just filled wifes car up, over £100. That would be approx $150 in Orlando and in 30 plus visits we have never been able to put more than $50 dollars in.
Once (a long time ago) at a prepay station the wife went in to pay and said $40 worth. The attendant said "you wont get that much in" "just do $20" we filled the tank!!!
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Father
All things considered, motoring in Florida is probably just as dear as here in the UK, albeit the distances are greater.
Does motoring include the cost of the vehicle[msneek]?
Give me US car prices any day!!
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Father
All things considered, motoring in Florida is probably just as dear as here in the UK, albeit the distances are greater.
I suppose it's all relative but I suspect that the comparative rise in the US is actually greater that over here and they certainly aren't happy about it. I seem to recall it being around a quarter of he price here a few years ago so at half the price the difference is narrowing but we'd be dancing in the street if UK prices fell to where they are over there.
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by SDJ
It was 99 cents when we started using gas in USA. There was a huge commotion when it went past the $1 mark[msnwink]
I agree with Liz, give me US costs any day (both gas and cars) compared to UK prices.
I was just about to say the same thing Sandra, 1997 was the first year we went and people were queueing for 99 cents a gallon gas and gas stations up the road were empty because they were $1.01 a gallon ! Ooh how times have changed. Still think compared to british prices $4 a gallon is very reasonable.