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Thread: BP Oil Spillage

  1. #11
    Florida Chatterbox sunseeker's Avatar
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    Apr 2003
    Typical American response from Mr Obama, all talk and no action.


  2. #12
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Feb 2002
    I don't see a problem. Brits are not generally associated with oil companies, and Americans like Brits. I assure you, the average American does not know (or care) what the "B" in "BP" stands for. Probably they don't know what the P stands for either, for that matter. I've only seen this "testy" thing being discussed in the Murdoch-owned USA newspapers, my city's local paper has not said a word about BP being a UK company.

  3. #13
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Myself I can't see a problem..I do however find I need oil for more than my cars ..like for life...unless you don't travel eat or have a home you can't say much.. I think people need to think twice about what oil is used for..

    Very few live the kind of life style that could say anything about the oil use of others..that is just my 2 cents

  4. #14
    Gold 5 Star Member Andrena's Avatar
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    Quite honestly Obama is just behaving like the overgrown schoolboy that he is. We have many American friends and very few of them are impressed with his presidency. A real statesman would not behave in this way, everyone has sympathy with those whose livelihoods have been ruined by the oil spill, but this is not the way to behave over it.

    Also I feel that while obviously people are entitled to compensation for their losses they should be made to prove those losses, this is not to be like a lottery win for failing fishermen or businesses. It seems that they are expecting, and getting, BP to just hand over cash regardless.
    It is amazing just how greedy people can be.


  5. #15
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Dec 2005
    But would we all have different views if the oil spills was on our doorstep, as it is easy to say obama overgrown schoolboy or american are expecting too much. What would we do if we were the ones in that position?

  6. #16
    Florida Chatterbox
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    May 2009
    I would probably be blaming the politicians I have elected for not protecting my community and its environment. But at the moment I would be in despair that my country and this oversized oil company still can't stop the oil gushing. For this Obama and Hayward should be ashamed. Accidents do happen but not being able to fix them quickly is unforgivable.

  7. #17
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Dec 2005
    So take it you believed all accidents are easily fixed or has BP become so big that they take little things as safety for granted, bacause how come a company so big have done no risk assessment or have had nothing in place for such a thing, as we know with all things you should always plan for the unexpected.

    The oil spillage is now on the coast of pensicola....

  8. #18
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by ukman
    So take it you believed all accidents are easily fixed or has BP become so big that they take little things as safety for granted, bacause how come a company so big have done no risk assessment or have had nothing in place for such a thing, as we know with all things you should always plan for the unexpected.

    The oil spillage is now on the coast of pensicola....

    Whilst the oil spillage and clean up is paramount, it seems to be almost fortgotten that 11 workers lost their lives and not just their livelihoods when the accident occurred and their families deserve as much support as well.
    Babblin Boo

  9. #19
    Florida Chatterbox sunseeker's Avatar
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    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by ukman
    But would we all have different views if the oil spills was on our doorstep, as it is easy to say obama overgrown schoolboy or american are expecting too much. What would we do if we were the ones in that position?

    Its not peoples views that are in question its the lack of support from the US that is in question, and the lack of diplomacy from Obama.
    We too have had oil disasters off the coast of Btitain and they have been delt with swiftly and with a lot less fuss.. The fire on Alpha Piper in the North Sea killed many many more than the one in the gulf and was contained far quicker, questions have to be asked of the way the gulf rig was run. Its about time the US put the environment before the Dollar.


  10. #20
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Gourock UK
    BP is not blameless in this catastrophe as they own the contract and leased out the rig, but for Obama to lay the total blame on BP well ...

    A friend pointed out to me that the oil rig which is owned by an American company called Transocean. A firm called Haliburton(previously run by an American Vice-President, Dick Cheney) cemented the work on the sea bed. Another American company, Cameron Int. manufactured the failed blow-out preventer supposed to prevent leaks.
    126 people worked on the rig, eight being BP workers and the rest from the American companies.

    BP may be the principal but the skills and technologies were home-grown.


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