Soon after my mum died in 2003, both myself and my sister with our kids went to Disneyland paris and we probably did something most adults would not do. The kids were collecting the signatures of the characters and we saw Tweedle dum and Tweedle dee, anyway my sister is nutty as a fruit cake and when she approached them they started to run, so she said let's get them so we ran after them. Anyway, we ended up with the two characters in a boat on "it's a small world" ride. They were very naughty, they took the kids lollies and were hitting each other with it, nearly had us out of the boat a couple of times.

Needless to say the whole incident was very funny, we could not stop laughing and the kids were crying with laughter. Needless to say with them misbehaving and us being so silly with them we had quite a few stares when we got off the ride, but one of the funniest times we have encountered and it brightened up our day not long having lost our mum.

Even now, we often talk about it and how funny the whole episode was.

Disney certainly brings out the child in you