I always stuff my suitcase with regional specialties, remaining within the authorized list, and never had a problem either: foie gras, duck confit and other canned goods, wine and spirits, candies, chocolates. Never raised an eyebrow, even in Chicago where they take such a dim view on Foie gras [msnwink].
I own a farm, so always tick the box on the white (?) form that mentions it along with "are you importing food" (I can't remember the exact phrasing, but it includes a lot of things). I get stopped every single time, they ask me why I ticked that box, I answer it's because I own a farm, they ask if I'm wearing the same shoes, I answer "NO", and that's it, I'm free to go. They never ever looked into my luggage!. Not that I'm carrying anything illegal, but it's funny thay always do that when obviously I never meet the same officer....