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Thread: Another Year On

  1. #1
    Gold 5 Star Member SunLover's Avatar
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    Another Year On

    Let none of us forget the terrible tragedy of so many innocent lives needlessly lost on this, the anniversary of 9/11.
    Chris & Peter

  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    I have watched a few tv programmes about 9/11 in the past few weeks and it is shocking seeing what unfolded now as it was 7 years ago.

  3. #3
    Gold 5 Star Member MarkJan's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Paula D-S
    I have watched a few tv programmes about 9/11 in the past few weeks and it is shocking seeing what unfolded now as it was 7 years ago.
    8 years and still fresh after watching some of the footage shown recently.
    Regards, Mark

  4. #4
    Gold 5 Star Member E. Cosgrove's Avatar
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    first thing I thought about when I realised the date today.

    I hope we never forget but that things get easier for the families of those who lost their lives.


  5. #5
    Moderator luckylady's Avatar
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    I visited Ground Zero in 2006 I will never forget the overwhelming feeling of sadness surrounding the area
    I will never forget where I was when the news broke that day. I hope the world never forgets what hate and world domination can do to innocent human beings.

  6. #6
    Gold 5 Star Member another's Avatar
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    I have watched a few of the programmes too recently - something I never thought I would do. I still remember the day vividly, my husband was working in Washington D.C. - we were all worried as we couldn't contact him and watching TV for any news about other planes etc was both nerve wracking and vital.

    We will never forget. So many people were affected, we hope and pray their lives are getting easier.

  7. #7
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    A recent visit to Ground Zero, where we had the great honour of being escorted round by a lady who had been in the second tower when it was hit, and a gentleman whose wife unfortunately had a business meeting in the first tower and did not survive, brought home to us in shocking detail the terrible waste of life, but also the immense courage shown by those brave people who with no thought for their own safety rushed to the scene to help.

    The greatest sadness to us is that so much hatred for all things American (or British for that matter!) still exists, and often from those who are happy to enjoy all the benefits of living in our free society - something they could not do in their own countries.

    It is certainly a day we shall never forget as we were in our villa in Florida and stood in utter bemusement as we watched CNN and saw not one, but two planes smashing into the twin towers.

    Our thoughts today are for those who lost mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, and work colleagues, and we also remember those who showed such courage and fortitude. May we also remember the very courageous passengers on board United Flight 93, whose last terrifying moments ensured that no further loss of life took place on the ground.

  8. #8
    We were at home when it came on the news aand at first though it was a film being made ,It was just like when Diana died we could not believe it and it is sad seeing people this week talking about the people they lost that day .
    Lets hope they never get the chance to do anything again .And they keep catching them and take them away from any good things about living in the world .
    We are going to a wedding in Turkey on the 27 SEPTEMBER who we have known since he was 12 years old and he is 28 years old now he was working in New York when it happened and said it was not a thing he would like to see ever again .I bet he was sad today about the people he knew .

  9. #9
    Gold 5 Star Member Lyn's Avatar
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    I remember I was at work and someone came into the office and told use what she had just seen on the news, and we all thought she must have got it wrong but went on the internet to check. What shock and horror we all felt when we realised it was true. I still find it hard to understand how human beings beings can do this to other totally innocent human beings.

  10. #10
    Florida Expert
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    Sep 2004
    I dont know if anyone seen the program phone calls from the tower this week but it really did make me sad. The last moments of loved ones calling their parents, husbands or wives just before the towers collapsed was played on the program.

    I actually feel like I must visit ground zero to pay my respects and one day I will.


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