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Thread: Halloween horror nights

  1. #1
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Halloween horror nights

    Hi everyone, Here goes, a while ago i posted a thread asking for advice about the horror nights, as stated before i have 3 kids that all want to go aged 12, 14 and 8, I was strongly recommended not to take the 8 year old as it may be too scary, Now heres the problem when telling her she can not go and maybe mnsshp would be better for her she got very upset, So yesterday me and the hubby took the kids to maddam tussauds in london and let her do SCREAM, for anyone thats done this it is quite scary, dark tunnels zombies jumping out at you from dark corners and holes in the wall, and guess what she absolutely loved it and at one point told me not to scream as its only people dressed up[msnembarrased] Now she has asked me if she can now go to HHN at universal, the only thing is in scream the characters are not allowed to touch you and your not allowed to touch them so she had this as a comfort, as your probably aware by now shes not the average 8 year old infact she is quite often mistaken for a 10 year old easily probably the advantage of having older siblings, S o any advice would be much appreciated [msnsmile2]

  2. #2
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I love HHN, me and my partner went in 2007.

    I dont think it would be suitable for anyone under 16. I is really scary and very intense, you cant get away from it! There is scare zones through the streets, even when i went to buy a drink some like witch/zombie thing jumpep out on me, i about had a heart attack. Im not just saying this as im a girl but it is very very scary! I lost count of the amount of children getting taken out of the park by there less than amused parents.

    The actors are VERY real. In leather faces house it even smelled of dead bodys. If it wasnt for alcohol i dont think i could ever go to it.

    This year the theme is , Saw, Chucky and jason....its going to be so scary!!!

    In my opinion i dont advise you to take your 8 year old....I honestly dont or the 12 year old for that matter. ITs not worth it.

    [website link edited]

  3. #3
    Super Moderator caroline's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Calabay Parc, Florida & Purley, Surrey
    I don't think I'd take kids under 12 or 13 BUT only you know how brave your youngster is. So if you wanted to chance it then it's up to you, we did see a couple of younger kids in the park coming out of one of the houses and they were sobbing, the trouble is that once you are in the houses the only way to get out is to continue to the end and I must admit I was clinging to both hubby and son[msnembarrased]
    Caroline & Dave

  4. #4
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Yeh it is so scary! In one house there was this little boy he looked about 10 and he was scream and crying and the only way of him gettin gout was to keep going till the end. He was really shaken up. I felt really sorry on him.


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