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Thread: refused entry

  1. #11
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i have complained to everyone even the president of the USA and and the they all agree with me but they all say the same ,,,,at the end of the day its down to the person on the gate gr..........[msnsad]

  2. #12
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    anyone want to buy a business .i need to sell and come back to the UK

  3. #13
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    We had a friend who was refused entry as they wrongly thought he intended to work, , his first Visa application was refused but he was told he could reapply a year later and that application was granted and he has visited several times since.

    With the Visa waiver you don't have the right of appeal on entry or even to know why you have been refused entry but you would think once you went for interview they would give you some indication as to why, especially if there was a case of a similar name causing confusion with someone on a watch list or with a known criminal background.
    Babblin Boo

  4. #14
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    thank you all there is still hope but the whole deal has put him off comming to see me as he thinks it might happen again

  5. #15
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Do you by any chance know Suzie who runs an Expats group in the area. She is very well versed in the visa area and I think her son was in a similar position at one time?
    Babblin Boo

  6. #16
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    hi steph
    i have been on that site and i think it was her husband i was talking to and they advised me to talk to someone they knew in the british embassy but nothing good came of it
    thank you for your kind help
    i never give up,but my head is sore from banging it aginst the walls

  7. #17
    Florida Savvy
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Terrible eh...few yrs back we went with a police officer whos name is ' john conaty',he was stopped at cistoms and led into a room for an hour as there is a john conaty who is a ira bomb suspect and has killed many people...crazy but guess they doing their work!
    im gonna wear my bomb squad t shirt next yr when visit orlando hahaha....not!!

  8. #18
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The only advice that I have been told, is that for your son to disassociate with you. Rather than say he is coming to visit family is that he travels with someone else and say he is on holiday and staying at a hotel, cuz if he says he is coming to stay with you being that you now reside in the states they will think he has no intention of returning.

  9. #19
    Gold 5 Star Member SDJ's Avatar
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    Nov 2005
    Windwood Bay/Tavistock, Devon.
    Del, how long is it since you have been on ExPats Voice? Susie's husband has been dead a few years now so it could not have been him you spoken with. I would log onto the site again and get in touch with Susie. She appears to be quite knowledgeable and you may find several people on the forum in the same sort of position. It's worth a try.


  10. #20
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ok thanks i will give it a go
    thanks for all your advice


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