I was petrified of going on this the first time and both me and my daughter chickened out at the door of the lift.....ok,ok we are wimps, I'll admit to it.

But I made a pact with a friend that if she went on Mission Space (which I LOVE and she hated) I would go on Tower of Terror. So I did. I can't really say I enjoyed it, well having nearly crushed my son's hand in my terror I have to admit to being a teeny bit scared. But I have been on it since (as has my daughter!) and although I still feel scared I can cope with it. Judging by the smiling faces of young children who pass me as I lurch white-faced to the exit they do not seem to be worried by it at all.

I guess it depends on your six year old. If falling lifts is their worst nightmare then don't take him/her on it, but I bet he/she will love it![msnwink]