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Thread: Universal Studios

  1. #1
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Universal Studios

    is still one of our favourite parks. We feel that Universal as a whole is much better value than Disney.

    My favourites are still ET, Jaws and Kong!



  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    If the older children in your group are searching for the roller coaster park, "Islands of Adventure" is the place to go. It is one of the two parks at Universal. On each themed "island" there is at least one major attraction or world-class coaster.

  3. #3
    Site Owner and Admin floridadreamvilla.co.uk's Avatar
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    Bolas Heath, Shropshire, UK and Crescent Lakes, Kissimmee, USA.
    Is Universal good for young children? We have a 1 and a 3 year old and thought out of the two Universal parks, Islands Of Adventure was going to be the most child friendly.

    How wrong we were - after they had spent the morning doing Dr Suess Landings to death we were bored (I know it's hard to believe but we want something a bit more than a couple of childrens roundabouts).

    Luckily my sister in law and partner met up with us again at this point so we spent the next couple of hours doing all the grown-ups rides - GREAT!!!

    Getting back to the point, what Universal Studios like for children - it's the only Orlando park we have not yet done.


  4. #4
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    My children thenk that Islands is the best park per se. What with Spidey, Duelling Dragons, The Hulk and the one that shoots you straight up in the air-Tower of Doom -is it? It's best to leave a good gap between breakfast and the rides! Then there's the water rides.

    My claim to fame is that I've managed Spidey-brilliant -but that was enough excitement for me and I loved Dr Seuss!

    As you've no doubt gather I'm not a lover of the white knuckle rides-what a shame they don't do a non-riding pass at a reduced rate!


  5. #5
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Universal is good for young kids - has its own area. Barney show is wonderful, Nickledeon Studios, Water play area, Woody Woodpecker roller-coaster - sort of!! The ET ride is fun and our 3 yr old loved it. My 8yr old loved Back to the Future, but after the fifth visit, you can tire of it - although I am yet to open my eyes!! But to hear her giggling is worth it.

    Every child is different and what scared my eldest, doesn't phase the little one, but then she won't go anywhere near a character unless its Mickey. My 3 yr old loved dancing to the Blues Brother show and my 8yr old loves the Earthquake ride.

  6. #6
    Florida Expert
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    Take towels and swimming kit for the kids if they're going in the Curious George play area. Mine 2 got absolutely soaked - I've never seen so much water chucked onto kids. I even got soaked trying to persuade them to come out.
    Of course they loved every minute of it.

  7. #7
    Florida Expert
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    Itook my 2 'babies' (17 and 20) to Universal and they came home soaked. Mind you that was the rain that did it.

    Just as we were about to head home the heavens opened, you'd think it was the end of the world the way people were behaving. They were runnning and ducking and diving trying to keep dry. We thought t was oh so funny, they'd got on all the rides and get wet but when it came to the rain that was entirely different! It was September and it was hot so I'm still confused.

    We decided to carry on and walk to the carpark but what funny looks we got from the would be shelterers. Mind you we were all doing our Gene Kelly impersonations and kicking water at one another. Oh splashing about in them there puddles was good fun and no-one to tell us off! Joy. Why everybody tried to hide still baffles me.


  8. #8
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Last time we went to Universal there was a tropical storm warning or hurricane, I forget which but just as we were about to leave we had the most incredible thunderstorm we have ever seen. It was obviously directly overhead as the thunder and lightening were so close together, but the cars were not being allowed to leave the car park because it was so bad. It takes a lot to get Mick worried, but even he had to admit to being scared with all the electrics around that something was going to get hit.


  9. #9
    Super Moderator Carla's Avatar
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    I love everything about Universal, and most of the rides are suitable for anyone, even young children. (Except perhaps Back to the Future and Men in Black)

    The shows are great and always good fun.

    Occasionally I pop into Islands of Adventure, but since I don't like the horror rides, there is very little there for me.

  10. #10
    Florida Expert
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    Bedfordshire and Esprit
    I still like US, MIB is a great favourite as is ET. I love IOA though it is a great park. So bright and colourful. Hulk, Spiderman and Jurassic Park are really favourites of mine. The kids love Seuss Landing. We had great fun there over Xmas with the Whoville celebrations.


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