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View Poll Results: Would you have laser eye surgery?

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  • Yes

    54 56.84%
  • No

    28 29.47%
  • Undecided

    13 13.68%
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Thread: Would you have laser eye surgery?

  1. #41
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Bedfordshire and Esprit
    I had mine done at Optical Express in Milton Keynes. They were very thorough both in pre-op and post-op checks which did inspire confidence. It is not the kind of proceed to have done by someone on the cheap. It cost if £3500 for both eyes so as Andrea says you can ignore the £395 per eye - no idea if anyone ever gets it at that price. I had some kind of computerised tracking version due to my severe astigmatism. It has not only improved my normal eyesight it has done wonders for my night vision too - which had always been poor even when I was younger.
    With lasek you don't have a flap cut - they use some kind of acid on the eye to remove the surface. This then grows back. They give you absolutely masses of information on it so you are very well informed by the time you actually have the op.

  2. #42
    Florida Expert
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    Nov 2003
    Well my daughter had it done yesterday. Her vision is great she can read better than the bottom line with both eyes. She had Lasek which has a longer recovery time but it means she has a chance to have it redone later in life if she needs it. Her cornea was too thin if she had the other type to be able to have it redone should she need it. She did go for the most expensive option which followed the contours of her eyes when they did the laser treatment.
    She did get interest free credit over 3 years so although over £3000 it made it an affordable option. She went to ultralase. All over in less than 30mins total and apparently there was only a few seconds where she didn't like what was being done the rest was much better than she expected.

  3. #43
    Florida Chatterbox tony2000's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    Indian ridge oak Florida , South Godstone
    I would be worried what might happen to my eyes

  4. #44
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Apr 2004
    Just read all the posts on this with great interest. A friend just told me last night on the phone she had it done, and she is over the moon! Something I have wanted for years, but "fear factor" definately gets in the way for me. I think I would want to be put to sleep for a start, and then there is the long term issue too? To be fair , as an MS patient I guess i am reluctant to mess with anything in case one think affects another [msnscared] That said, I now have Bletharitus in my eyes (eye drying condition) , which I am sure does not make me a candidate any longer anyway. On top of that I now have to wear glasses all the time, no contacts , and i can honestly say, I hate it!!! Never thought it would bother me, but it REALLY does..ho hum[msncry]
    Good Luck to anyone considering the option.[msnsmile2]

  5. #45
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I had Conductive Keraplasty (CK) After 4 years I was just starting to need reading glasses again. I went back to Harley Street and had 1 eye lasered for FREE. He said it was all about customer care and as I was his first patient/customer there would be no charge. I was really taken aback !

    I went ahead had it done 3 weeks ago, daughter in law had hers done 2 weeks ago. She had always worn glasses -6 and -5.20. I paid for her and received a £300 discount. The difference to her is amazing - she is now full of confidence, a bright and bubbly girl.

    Dave (husband) also had his lasered 4 years ago and still has 20/20 vision.

    They are so clever nowadays nothing is impossible - all you have to do is ask and pay

    I would say to anyone thinking about it - just do it. Harley Street have Interest free credit as well.

  6. #46
    Gold 5 Star Member Lyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Chatham Park, Kissimmee & Glenfield, Leicester
    I would have it done tomorrow if they could give me a 100% promise that it would work and nothing would go wrong, they will not do this and with me if anything can go wrong it probably will[msnsad] The thought of going blind freaks me out more than having very bad eyesight, so I guess I will stick with the glasses.


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