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Thread: Register with Managment Company?

  1. #1
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Register with Managment Company?

    I have just received the address and contact details from the villa owner I am renting from including all the normal directions and code to get the key when we arrive etc. The bit that surprised me was that all guests are requested to sign in at the managment companies office at their earliest convenience, as it is Florida State Law that guests register with the Management Company.

    I have a few questions about this request which I was wondering if anyone could assist me with:

    1. Is this normal or something just requested by this managment company?

    2. Do all of the guests at the villa need to register or just one person from the party?

    3. How long after arrival is earliest convience?

    Was just interested as this is not something I really wanted to waste time doing when on holiday.


  2. #2
    Super Moderator CERICROWLEY's Avatar
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    Hampton Lakes/Highlands Reserve, USA.. Cardiff, South Wales, UK.

    A lot of owners have all different procedures for checking in, it does depend on which management company they are with, Some have large MC's which give out keys at their main office, others they are met at the home, and others again, give a code for the box and they just enter the home.

    I am sure if you contact the owner of the home, they will only be to happy to fill you in on certain things that you may be worried out. Not sure about the Florida State Law bit, but I do know that certain information about guests in rental accomodation is required by the governing bodies to be made available at any time, to make sure no regulations etc are breached.

  3. #3
    Florida Expert
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    May 2004
    Bristol and Rotonda, Charlotte County

    I am with a Management Company on the Gulf Coast that operates in just the way you have mentioned, although I will admit I believe it is the only Management Company in that area that operates this way.

    All guests collect their villa keys and final directions from the office (keys left in coded box outside the office when it is closed). The first working day guests are required/requested to go to the office (it is in the local town not some distant point) to register. This is helpful in many ways as guests then meet my Management team and if there are any questions or queries on how to operate something it can be sorted out on the spot.

    With point 2 of your query it is only the Lead Name that registers you don't all have to troop in if you don't want to!!
    Clare R

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Carla's Avatar
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    Feb 2002
    It is not Florida State Law that guests register with a Management Company on arrival. Providing you have registered all of the people in your party on your booking form with the owner, then this is sufficient.


  5. #5
    Florida Expert
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    Feb 2005
    As Ceri has said different management companies have different systems. Ours used to require that a registration form was taken into their office within 48 hrs of arrival. It does give guests the chance to check the home and note any problems. With our company it was really because they were more used to dealing with tour operator guests than owners guests. We have now come to an agreement where guests don't go into the office but simply agree to let our management company know if there are any obvious problems when they arrive. It is Florida law that a register is kept of all guests but this doesn't have to be the management company, It would seem though that in this case they are keeping the register.

    This is really something you should be taking up with the owner who I'm sure will be happy to help.

    Have a great holiday [msncool]

  6. #6
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Thanks for your replies, no problems it was just not something I had heard about before. I had been so carfeul to ask the owner where I picked the keys up from, only to find I have the go to the Management Companies office anyway.

    I am sure it will not be a problem, anyway leave tomorrow so nothing can spoil my mood.


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