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Thread: virgin flights

  1. #11
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    May 2005
    We are not best of friends with Virgin at the moment. Just arrived back today after a month at the villa. Got to the check-in desk last night and we were told they did not have two seats together (after pre-booking seats on line). Spent almost an hour at check-in but the girl on the desk did not tell us why until 35 mins had passed (she was trying to get seats together).

    Got on the plane and the stewardess came over before take off as she had got two seats together for us. Turned out they belonged to a couple who had decided not to fly back and their son told us he only got to check-in just before they closed - so how come when we were there 3 hours before him we were not given those two seats together in the first place

    Actually, that was not a question really, just getting it off my chest.

    The staff were great and the flight was good, even though we were late taking off we arrived early in uk.

  2. #12
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Guessing the flights are for this Easter and not next Easter - those flights appear to be rare as anything atm .... did you book direct with Virgin or with an agent ?

  3. #13
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hi Carolyne, not sure if you were asking about my flights or someone else's, but I booked mine direct with Virgin online.

  4. #14
    Gold 5 Star Member E. Cosgrove's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Albert the Frog
    Well we've really fallen our feet! By changing our departure by one day we got return MAN to MCO for £306!!!
    However-when I then tried to choose my seats it told me that there were non available! I am presuming that a number are held back for allocation at check in-Can anybody allay my fears please???
    Every time we have been too late to book seats and have been travelling economy, we have been seated in the small cabin area behind upper class, great place to sit and one of the first off the plane[msnwink]



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