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Thread: Disney tells Santa clone ho-ho no

  1. #1
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Aug 2004

    Disney tells Santa clone ho-ho no

    Disney tells Santa clone ho-ho no

    Mr Worley said he was told Santa was a Disney character
    When James Worley paid a visit to Disney World in Florida his portly frame and white beard soon had kids asking: "Are you Santa Claus?"
    Not wanting to disappoint, Mr Worley, 60, played along with some "ho-ho-hos".

    But Disney officials descended, telling him to stop the impersonation or get out of the park. They said they wanted to preserve the magic of Santa.

    Mr Worley took off his red hat and red shirt but said: "I look this way 24/7, 365 days a year. This is me."


    Even after bowing to the request to alter his appearance, Mr Worley, from Tampa, said children continued to ask if he was Santa.

    "How do you tell a little kid, 'No, go away, little kid'," Mr Worley told local television.

    He said Disney had told him "Santa was considered a Disney character".

    Officials at Disney World's Epcot park said they had had complaints from "several guests who were very upset".

    Disney said it had its own Santa at Epcot and Mr Worley was "confusing" the children.

    Mr Worley said he had played a jolly elf at charity events for a number of years, while his wife sometimes dressed up as Mrs Claus.

    Mr Worley said he still loved Disney and Christmas.


  2. #2
    Super Moderator CERICROWLEY's Avatar
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    Hampton Lakes/Highlands Reserve, USA.. Cardiff, South Wales, UK.
    If this was on Halloween, Disney would have not said anything. I do not consider Santa Claus to be associated as a Disney character, if that was the case, they would be charging for copyrighting at all the department stores that he visit. I think it sounds like he stumpled across a couple of cast members on a bad day, who made it their jobsworth unfortunately

  3. #3
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I have seen this story some time ago.

    Santa in his Red Garb is more Coca Cola than Disney seeing as it was them who first portrayed him in his red outfit. Shame on Disney.
    Daniel, Kaye, Millie and Harvey


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