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Thread: What to Do?

  1. #1
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    What to Do?

    Hi all. First time poster.

    Would love to move to florida. Holiday in Kissimmee every year and love it. Yes i know working there is different to holiday etc but I come from Scotland and love the sun and way of life over there!!

    Anyways here are my circumstances and was wondering what people think is best thing to do.

    I am an unskilled worker and am due to get redundancy in months time. Whats best thing to re-train as to get green card? What skills are america crying out for?

    My mum and dad have bit of money and have read about investing in low income areas to get green card? How much is needed in sterling? Is this as risky as it sounds?

    Whats longest I could stay out there doing low skill jobs?

    Thanks for taking time to read my post.

  2. #2
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Hi Tel,

    You need to do loads of research. Moving to Florida is not as easy as it sounds. They dont really have the emmigration system that other Countries have. To get a green card is extrememly hard. You would probably need to invest a considerable sum in a business thats part of the Invester Visa programme. You need professional advice.
    Theres a guy called Andrew Bartlett who produces a magazine called British Floridian. Theres loads of info and advice in this. His website is www.AndrewBartlettFlorida.co.uk you can also email him for advice Andrew@AndrewBartlettFlorida.co.uk
    Good Luck. Gill

  3. #3
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Hi thanks for your reply. Wow that website is a goldmine of information! Am i right in saying that if i buy a business i can get an e1 or e2 visa and can stay on that visa as long as the business runs? If so if the business runs for a certain length of time I can apply for a permanent green card?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator CERICROWLEY's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Hampton Lakes/Highlands Reserve, USA.. Cardiff, South Wales, UK.

    You need to read a lot more visa threads on here, Esprit has been a goldmine of information, and will tell you that and E2 cannot be converted to a green card, only an L1

  5. #5
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    The amount to invest for the green card is $500,000 but if you are over 21 you would not be included on it anyway. The money is at risk but there are some tried and tested schemes which do lower the risk though i have to say it is a long term investment, expect income but not to see your money for a while,
    Retrain as a nurse, physical therapist or teacher, particularly a science teacher, yes I am serious. There is no way you can spend any time at all there doing low skilled jobs unless you are an agricultural worker where they have a guest worker scheme.

    Your best bet is the E2 on which i just answered, you and one of your parents as E2 owners and the other parent as dependant. This visa is perpetually renewable but unless recently proposed legislation goes through and it isnt at all certain it does not at present lead to green card.
    Dont expect it to be like it was on holiday, it is different and you do work hard with few days off. Having said that I know where i would rather be.

  6. #6
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Tel, maybe you've not been following the news: 54 million Americans are in the process of sliding from the middle class into the working class because of ten years of profligate spending and de-industrialization of the US. That's one of the reasons there is such an outcry in the US about immigration.


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