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Thread: Biometric Passports

  1. #31
    I missed the attached paragraph when I last posted. It seems to confirm that the new Irish passport contains the biometric chip. I have compared my passport (issued May 2007), and my children's passports (issued May 2006), and the only difference is that there appears to be a small dimple in the right hand corner of mine, almost as if the plastic has melted a little. I suppose this is where is chip is. It is not very obvious, though.


    In October 2006 the Passport Office began issuing the new Irish electronic passport (ePassport). This technology represents a major development in identity verification and security, providing a much stronger linkage between the individual and his or her identity than traditional systems which rely solely on visual identification. It will strengthen the passport issuing process by providing a further safeguard against fraudulent applications. In addition under the US Visa Waiver Scheme, participating countries, including Ireland, must be issuing ePassports from 26 October 2006.

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  2. #32
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    There is a lot of confusing and contradictory official information out there, I hope I didn't add to it too much.

  3. #33
    You're right, Anorak. I think if you look hard enough you can find "definitive" information to support any view you care to take!

    I think I'll go with the official website, though. There is a lot of traffic between Ireland and the US, and I think that any problems would have been highlighted by now, so I'm sure the new Irish passports are being accepted by US customs. It would seem that there is a biometric chip in it, just that it doesn't look the same as the UK passport. I wonder if there are any other nationalities out there that could describe their new biometric passport?


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