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Thread: Children travelling without parents

  1. #1
    Florida Savvy
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Children travelling without parents

    We took my nephew to Orlando with us a couple of years ago without any problem at immigration. He is coming with us again this year, but I have heard that some people have had problems at immigration if the child is not a close relative. Does anyone know if there is any documentation I need to complete before we fly.


  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    You do need a notarised letter from the child's parents giving permission for him to travel with you and also for you to act on their behalf (in loco parentis) if the child should require medical treatment if he's under the age of consent in the USA, ie 18 years old. It might never be required (hopefully) but at least you've got it with you just in case.

    If you have a search, you'll find a proforma letter and other useful info about this.

  3. #3
    How old is he Susan?

  4. #4
    Florida Savvy
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Hi Julie

    He will be 10 when we travel.



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