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Thread: Universal 360 - cinesphere spectacular

  1. #1
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Universal 360 - cinesphere spectacular

    Just spent the afternoon and evening at Universal and finally found out what the "snowglobes" in the middle of the lagoon are for [msnembarrased]

    They are used for the Universal 360 cinesphere spectacular. They project images onto the globes, and other images onto the surrounding buildings, add music, fireworks and lasers in celebration of Universal films.

    Very cleverly done and reminded me of Fantasmic. It's definitely worth seeing if you are there, and is on till the end of this week, and then again through the summer when the park is open past 9pm (as it has to be dark)

    We will try and get there again this week, as we left it a little late to get a good viewing spot.

  2. #2
    Yeah, saw the show last August. Thought is very good, got to keep your eyes open as it happens all around you.


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