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Thread: Charges for Car Seats

  1. #1
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Charges for Car Seats

    As far as I am aware, we are all within the baggage limit for our luggage to go in the hold. However, we will have a baby's car seat to go in - has anyone been charged for that before and can you remember how much ?

    Also, how do we 'wrap' it. Is a bin liner ok or should we rush out and buy some of the bubble wrap - or do they have the facility at Manchester Airport where they will wrap it for us?

    Little late to be asking as we leave tomorrow evening.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Worthing, West Sussex
    When my daughter went out in May, she took 2 car seats and was not charged.
    I would suggest that you just put it in bin a liner with the address of your holiday destination. You will probably be using it on the journey to the airport, so don't want to get into very complicated wrapping!

    I very much doubt that they will wrap it for you.

    Have a great holiday.[msnsmile2][msnsmile2]

    Just wish it was me. I'd love to escape all this wind and rain!!

  3. #3
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I think it goes down to who you are flying with.
    We have never been charged for carrying a car, in fact we brought back a 7 foot christmas tree in a large box last Christmas and we did not have to pay any extra, it just went against our weight allowance.
    We fly quite frequently with BMI/American/United and they always allow min 2 pieces of luggage each with a weight of 50 lbs or 23/24 kgs.
    Neil & Cathy


  4. #4
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    May 2005
    We are flying Virgin - Will see how it goes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Kissimmee, Florida
    We fly with Virgin and they do not charge for car seats (we usually take 2) and they wrap them for you too on check-in.

  6. #6
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thanks Roger, that's good to hear.

  7. #7
    Mary remember to save the bag for the return journey as they don't seem to do it coming back.

    Wish it was us flying out tomorrow, we have to wait 2 weeks[clap]
    Are you finally ready to close on your house?
    Jen & Amy


  8. #8
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thanks for the tip. We will probably be getting off the plane you get onto - then I will be so jealous.

    We do hope to Close while we are out there at long last. All being well we will be in our very own villa for the second week of our hols [clap][clap]

    We are really looking forward to it all. Will go to the parks etc the first week, and stay and chill out in the villa the second week. That's when we plan to do things like Boggy Creek, Remmington for the golf and then the beaches - they are closer to the villa so not so much driving. Although you have probably discovered that for yourself by now.

    Fingers crossed that it all works out. However, we will not let it spoil our holiday.

    Let you know all about it when we get back.

  9. #9
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Last time we went we took our own car seat but didn't bag it or label it and had no problems, but next time we will have either 2 car seats or 1 car seat and a booster seat.

    Couple of questions.

    1. What is the legal position re using a booster seat? ie Daughter number 1 will be 4 1/2 when we travel in October and is currently (at 31/2) 3 feet 6 inches tall and weighs about 50lbs (3 stone 8ish).

    2. Daughter number 2 will be 8 months old and i think she will therefore still be in a rear facing baby seat that you can carry eg the car seat fits into a base so it is therefore in 2 parts. Is it a good idea to package the 2 bits together when checking it in and more importantly will they accept this type of seat?

  10. #10
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    The answers to both your questions about seats are here. http://www.orlando-guide.info/forums/topic_28353.asp

    Your elder daughter will need a booster seat although she's over 40 lbs but isn't 4 feet 9 inches and your baby will need a rear facing baby seat in the rear of the vehicle.

    Sorry, can't help with packaging but perhaps someone else can?



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