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Thread: Healthcare / Medical insurance

  1. #1
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Healthcare / Medical insurance

    Hi Everyone,
    I know this question has probably been asked before, but i would like up to date answers.

    So to all you folks who are already out there.

    Which companies have you chosen for Medical insurance,
    which are good,
    which are bad,
    any pitfalls we should avoid,
    any things we should look for???

    Any help would be most appreciated and any links / contacts gratefully accepted.
    Neil & Kay

  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I thought you joined the other forum Frosty...you may find more info there...

  3. #3
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Really hard to get medical insurance within the first two years when you have no records in the US, the firm I used, which did expatriate insurance, no longer sells in Florida. If you are buying a decent sized company one of the only ways may be to set up a company healthcare policy and put yourself on it, they are not so fussy then about medical records and about pre-existing. It is expensive. Ours has a big excess and just went up to $470 a month. I dont get anything at all for that, we pay for all doctors appointments, treatment, prescriptions until we have exhausted our $3500 excess. So it basically only covers serious illness or operations, like when I broke my arm last year. If we had no excess, I dont think I earn enough here to pay both my property tax and my health insurance. Start thinking about dental as well and you will talk yourself out of moving at all.

  4. #4
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Best way to get insurance is to get a part time job that offers insurance. Try Disney. They allow 2 days a week, and offeer great health benefits.
    Jeff & Amy Stephens

  5. #5
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    May 2003
    If he is on an E2 visa...he can't work outside his own comapany...or so I believe....I was also told Disney has stopped health benefits for a lot of its part timers...it would be nice if thats not true because I plan to work there part of the year...so does my daughter who has no healthcare in the US....

  6. #6
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Feb 2002
    On an E2 he cant work for anyone else as Chrizzy says. If his spouse is a dependant, she may be able to if she gets employment authorisation. I see Bank of America is looking for part timers and offering free health insurance, but doubt if it covers the rest of the family. Company policies also cover pre existing, Many holiday makers see these very old people working in WalMart and think poor things they have no pension, This isnt necessarily the case at all. They are getting free healthcare which would cost them an absolute bundle otherwise. Its another world.

  7. #7
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Thanks for the comments guys, but we didn't want to go that way.
    Kay will be running the biz and i will be free to do my own thing.

    I accept it may be a good way to get health cover, but i didn't want to work for someone else this time. Was planning on starting my own biz.

    If there are any companies that you can recommend, or contacts, that would be great.
    Neil & Kay

  8. #8
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Neil. I understand your reasons for not going the employment route. But your health bills will be huge. And that's assuming you can get coverage.
    I have another idea. I work part time as a Real Estate Agent here in Florida. My company offers discounted health insurance, which I don't use because I'm a pilot and my airline offers excellent insurance. Maybe get licensed and take advantage of the benefits most Real Estate companies offer.
    Good luck.
    Jeff & Amy Stephens


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