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Thread: Another car rental query

  1. #1
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Another car rental query

    Our plan is to come across to Florida for 3 weeks in November for our Honeymoon.
    We have a romantic notion of touring around in a snazzy convertible, but were wondering if this would be realistic.
    Basically we need to know: i) Are we likely to have to drive round with the roof on/up most of the time due to the heat/sun?
    ii) Will it make us stick out like the proverbial sore thumb as tourists?
    iii) Is the roof a hassle to put up & down?

    A 4x4 was another thought as we might be able to see that little bit more when driving around - but might be a bit excessive for just the two of us.

    Or we could save a few bucks and go for the economy option.

    Any thoughts or suggestions on this or for alternative ideas welcomed.

  2. #2
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Hi Del
    Just to give you my experience in a convertible, I went to the villa on my own for a week and the nice man at dollar upgraded me to a convertible PT Cruiser. I was a bit worried about the weather, as it was 92 most days, put on plenty of sun screen. I loved it and did not find it too hot at all especially when you are cruising. I did find it a bit noisy on the interstate but was doing around 60; most of the time there was a warm breeze and really nice driving with the roof down.
    The roof was electric just had to turn the handle and press the button nice and I was very pleased with it. Would not hesitate to have one again. The only down side to this was I could only put one large suit case in the boot but as it was only me plenty of room in the back for the rest.
    Can’t wait to go back and hire another.


  3. #3
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    hi we have a convertible at home here in the u.k and love it, no problem with the roof as its a power hood and goes up and down in 16 seconds ( not if you' re moving because of the wind ) and as much as we love our car we never take one in florida just because of luggage, we don ' t even use it to go the airport as there are 3 of us. we can make the boot bigger but then you can' t put the roof down but don' t know if all cars are the same ours is bmw ( cars are really his department ! ) all that said i do love it ![msnsmile2] so i think really depends on luggage

  4. #4
    Florida Expert Val's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Gloucester UK
    Hi Del,

    You are on your honeymoon, treat yourself to a convertible and enjoy the experience. We hired a convertible PT cruiser last year and really enjoyed it. The weather is November is very pleasant so it should be lovely a nice breeze and as there are loads of convertibles in Florida you will not stick out like a tourist.

    Enjoy your honeymoon


  5. #5
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Here I am loving every moment



  6. #6
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Mar 2004
    We hired a convertable at Christmas and have to say it was ok for the front seat passengers with the heater on but too cold for the kids in the back. It was 70f+ through the day but with the car moving it soon brought the temperture down.
    took us about 30 seconds to put the electric roof up and down and that was on a Seebring.
    Neil & Cathy


  7. #7
    Gold 5 Star Member dawn's Avatar
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    Nov 2004
    West Sussex
    Before children, my husband and I hired a convertible and 'toured' Florida. We loved every minute and it was wonderful to drive along with the warm breeze. I say go for it while you can[msnsmile2]
    Dawn Murray

  8. #8
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Rose you little devil !!
    It does look nice though.

  9. #9
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I did not want to give it back and saw a lot of Davenport Clermont on my travels. Enjoy they are so much fun. Can't wait to go back and hire another


  10. #10
    Gold 5 Star Member E. Cosgrove's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    We usually have a convertible.......fantastic!!! What more can I say?[msnwink]



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