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Thread: Wet N Wild Bomb Bay

  1. #1
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Wet N Wild Bomb Bay


    Can anybody actually tell me anything about this ride or link me to some good photos. The one on the official wet n wild site isnt that good. They say that you stand in the capsule and the floor shoots from beneath you and you shoot down the drop? Is this the case? How does the floor shoot and you go down? Anyone? Im tempted to go on and am just wondering how it works. thanks

  2. #2
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    my husband did this the kids chickened out
    you stand inside a rocket shaped capsuale and they get you to jump up and down with the floor there then all of a sudden the floor releases

  3. #3
    Florida Savvy
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    that about sums it up. there is an employee at the top who makes sure you are in ok, then when you are ready he presses a button and the floor falls away, and so do you.

    It is around an 80 feet fall to a long horizontal run out with about 6" of water to slow you down.

    there is a sister ride beside it called Der Stuker which is similar, except you pull yourself over the edge with the aid of a bar.

    the worst thing is the long slow climb winding it's way to the top, every step takes you higher and gives you time to ponder your fate, and what's worse is all the little kids rushing past you.

    PS I did Der Stuker, and split my shorts when I hit the water, right up to the elastic waistband. Didn't feel the need to go back up to do Bombay.

    have fun


  4. #4
    Lol! I was just about to say, you might lose your shorts on the way down[msnwink]


    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by John Rocke
    that about sums it up. there is an employee at the top who makes sure you are in ok, then when you are ready he presses a button and the floor falls away, and so do you.

    It is around an 80 feet fall to a long horizontal run out with about 6" of water to slow you down.

    there is a sister ride beside it called Der Stuker which is similar, except you pull yourself over the edge with the aid of a bar.

    the worst thing is the long slow climb winding it's way to the top, every step takes you higher and gives you time to ponder your fate, and what's worse is all the little kids rushing past you.

    PS I did Der Stuker, and split my shorts when I hit the water, right up to the elastic waistband. Didn't feel the need to go back up to do Bombay.

    have fun



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