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Thread: Immigration bill before senate

  1. #11
    Florida Expert
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    Jun 2004
    This Bill will never pass in it's current state. We have a 'silent majority' of voters out there who are fundamentally opposed to letting ten's of thousands of hispanics into the country.
    Remember we have an election in two years. And the last year of a president's term is taken up with campaigning for the next guy. So anything that'll upset the vast majority wont stand a chance of becoming law.
    What you need to start doing is writing to the media. USA Today, CNN, Fox News, Washington Times, MSNBC. Let them know that it's not only hispanics who want to move here.
    Also Hillary Clinton is threatening to run. Personally I don't think the 'silent majority" is ready for Hillary to run the country. So the hispanics will be up againsed the Republicans again. And they are alot tougher on immigration than the Democrats.
    I'd adopt you all if it would help!
    Good luck. It's really worth it when it finally comes together.
    From one very patriotic (ex Brit) American.
    Jeff & Amy Stephens

  2. #12
    Gold 5 Star Member MarkJan's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Do you think that we could have our country back (that we loaned for 230 years) and instead of the UK being the 51st state, the USA could be another region like, the South East or North West?

    That way, all of us who want to move to the US could!
    Regards, Mark

  3. #13
    I don't think think this will go through Julie or at least I certainly hope not.


  4. #14
    Florida Expert
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    Jul 2002
    Well I personally am not sure what to think as a good point is if the democrats win the next election, the laws will be even less so Terry you will be even more P==ed then now! I totally agree with all of the British folks not being able to come in, and the hispanics sneaking in and now even protesting they should be able to stay! Its bizarre. I hope this law does not pass and or any other one but its who needs the votes more in the next election is what it will come down too.


  5. #15
    Florida Savvy
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    Seaview IOW/Bradenton, Florida
    I hope no one minds but having monitored this forum for many years this topic caused me to register. Its not that I want to live there but feel the current situation is unjust.

    Anyway I have sent a link to this topic to the British blog at the Orlando Sentinel - one small step etc.....


  6. #16
    Gold 5 Star Member thornton's Avatar
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    Instead of this bill, perhaps Jed Bush should push his brother to introduce the Retirement Bill then those of us with houses out there and who can support ourselves can go out there and put much nneded money into the Florida economy instead of the illegals who only take it out.

    Jill and Brian

  7. #17
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Retirement Bill introduced about six or seven years ago would have done just that but failed to get through Senate. It did have the support of Florida who would have beneftted from it, but from few other states.

  8. #18
    Florida Expert
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    Jul 2002
    Jebs wife is hispanic so remember that.


  9. #19
    Florida Newbie
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    May 2006
    As you can imagine there is a substantial Hispanic following already in the US (notwithstanding Jeb's wife)so there will be support for this bill which, as we all appreciate, goes against 'Good old Common Sense' but this is Politics and this situation has been allowed to build without proper thought and control since Ronald Reagan granted the last amnesty and wiped the slate clean.

    The UK also has its own immigration (legal and otherwise) problems too but even though the numbers are much lower the problems are similar in many ways. It has reached a level that in some parts of the country support for the BNP (British National Party) has been such that their candidates have actually won seats at local elections. The British people are now looking for action from Tony Blair, if not, they will want to see what the opposition parties are proposing!

    With regard to the US, in my opinion and I am sure many will agree that Mr and Mrs average America has absolutely no idea as to how stringent the Visa rules are in general or just what the Dept of State puts the USA's "Special Friends and Allies" through, even though they will be investing thousands of dollars, giving employment to many US citizens and having an economic impact on the area in which they choose to work and live, apart from the local and Federal taxes they will pay.

    This topic does need a much wider forum and the injustice exposed for what it is. Local newspapers or even the few nationals could be a start but it really needs TV to bring these anomalies to the attention of the greater American public, at least those who care.


  10. #20
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Apr 2004
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Allows illegal immigrants who have been in the country five years or more to remain[/quote]
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Requires illegal immigrants in the U.S. between two and five years to go to a point of entry at the border and file an application to return[/quote]
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Requires those in the country less than two years to leave[/quote]

    I wonder just how Uncle Sam will determine how long the illegal immigrant has been in the USA?

    Presumably he didn't register when he illegally crossed the border!!


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