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Thread: Hi Everyone! HELP! Advice needed

  1. #1

    Hi Everyone! HELP! Advice needed

    Hi Everyone,
    We are Darren & Karen from Stffs in the UK.Just found your site and we are blown away by all the great information we have read.We have a vacation home on Highway 27 and love Florida so much,we really want to move there.We have been searching the web looking for advice and pointers,but we have learnt more in the last 30 mins than we have in the last 2 months!We knew about the E2 visa and were looking into selling here and buying a business to gain access into the States.We have 2 boys(8&12)and wanted to make a go of it while we are still young enough(both 36).
    To be honest,some of the information we have seen on this site has scared the life out of us!Let me get this right,so we have to invest our lives and money into this great country,pay our tax,be good citizens,but we cant stay there and retire,and our children are out of status at 21?
    HELP,it was all rosey 30 minutes ago!

  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Welcome to the forums Daz and Kaz
    Looking at your profile it may not be all quite so doom and gloom.
    as you mention you have run a transport business in this country for 15 years you are in much better standing to apply for an L Visa (not sure of the numbers but someone will know). Basically if you can afford to set up a company over in Florida (either doing the same as you are doing or something different and can afford to get someone to run this side of the Atlantic for you, if you get the L visa then you can apply for a green card after a certain length of time which will allow you to live permanently and even apply for citizenship eventually if that is what you want. Also much more stability for the children. Once your have your green card you can close down the UK company if you want.
    Babblin Boo

  3. #3
    Thanks Steph,

    We didnt know about that option(its ok dear,put it back in the case)
    Would it have to be a transport business again,and also do you know how long we would have to wait until we could apply for a green card?To be honest,we are totally disallusioned with the UK.We have worked hard all our lives and done reasonbly well,but this ship seems to be sinking fast!The ever increasing fuel costs and insurance premiums are crippling small companies like us.We really wanted to be in Orlando in say,12 months.


  4. #4
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Feb 2002
    Julie Carty knows far more about it than I do Daz and knows the names of some good immigration consultants, who can offer expert advice,but I'm sure the business does not have to be the same as you are currently in although the business plan you submit for visa may have more credibility with the US Embassy if they feel you know the business and are more likely to make a go of it.

    I've seen different lengths of times for people who have applied for Green card one after 10 months and another waited till after their first renewal at 2 years or something like that, but as I say if you have the means, particularly with your chidrens ages it will be much better for them and you, than if they are then 10 or more years and then age out at 21 and have to return to UK (and of course you could even have more children by then who are born in the US which wouuld create even more of an upheaval for them.
    Babblin Boo

  5. #5
    Florida Newbie
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    Jan 2004
    I went down the L1 route before going for the E2 . I'm pretty certain that you can apply for the Green Card after a couple of years, but if your company back in England fails, or is ripped off by the person you leave in charge whilst you cultivate your new company in the US, thats the end of the L1. The English company must continue to trade and make profit, and it cant be a family member running it either. You must have a manager in charge. The US company must be affiliated to the UK one in every way, but doesnt need to be the same type of company at all. If your application for the Green Card is accepted then you can shut the UK company or sell it or whatever. The one fact that few people realise is that the L1 will only last for 7 years. If for some reason you cant get the Green Card after 7 years you are out. Just bear this in mind.......I have a friend who had a company in England and bought a bar on the L1 over in the US. After a year, the person left in charge of the company in England stole all the customers and opened his own business. Thus the UK company closed and they had to go back, because the US Government rigorously check that the UK company is still in business and making money. They are now re-applying for an E2. With kids your age, clearly the L1 is the route to go down, but how you make sure that the person left in charge of your UK company stays loyal I'm not sure. Perhaps some type of contract with a clause that they get to buy the UK company at a reduced rate when you get the Green Card ?? The information above is how I remember it so if anyone can point out errors then thats ok. Good luck. Nick

  6. #6
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Feb 2002
    L1. Doesnt need to be the same sort of business. You can buy a business which is already trading here through your US affilate company or you can start a new business with a business plan. If you start a new business they usually only give you a one year visa and then you need to go through a renewal and these are hard, wheras it is generally longera two ot three year visa if you buy a business. The UK business must keep trading. You can apply for green card after one year but if you have started a business rather than bought one the business may not be big enough yet to support a green card application for which you really need a manager below yourself and three or four employees. It is taking 6-12 months to get a green card application through depending on whether you get asked for further information.



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