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Thread: choosing seats

  1. #1
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    choosing seats

    Hi, sorry if this has been asked before. We are going to Florida for the second time in February 2007. We flew with Virgin last time and are planning to do so again. Last year we did everything online including choosing our seats and found it great. Next year we are taking our daughter's boyfriend with us and unfortunately he is 6 foot 5 inches (and most of this seems to be in his legs!!). Do you think he will need a bulkhead seat and if he does is it possible to book these in advance from Virgin as we don't like leaving things to the day of travel!
    Ps - can only afford to travel in economy seats as there will be six of us, five paying adult prices.

  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hi Karen
    You can't prebook a bulkhead seat, these are reserved until the day of departure and mainly go to families travelling with babies, to accommodate the sky cot. I suppose you could try and locate an exit seat which will give him more room. If you know the size of aeroplane you're travelling on you can check out the seating configuration so you know which seats to try for. These exit seats may also be reserved until departure too.

  3. #3
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Karen - the only thing you can do is get there early for check in. If he wants an exit row unfortunately Virgin now charge 50 pounds for the privelege - although the good thing is it does put some people off.

    I would ring them anyway and get them to put a note on the booking re. his height and then at check in it will be seen by the agent checking you in.


  4. #4
    Super Moderator
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    Feb 2003
    We have just come back from Florida with Miami and were most surprised when we arrived to drop our bags having used on line check in to be asked if we would like to PURCHASE for $75 these seats. We we told that the one next to the window we would not have to pay for but would for the one the one adjacent the aisle.

  5. #5
    Florida Newbie
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    Jan 2005
    Thanks for the replies. Has anyone of this height travelled in a normal economy seat? I'm worried that he's going to moam all the way there!

  6. #6
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Re early check-in, some airports do twilight check-in and we have found that those seats go then.

    Best thing to do is ring Virgin and explain.

  7. #7
    Gold 5 Star Member MarkJan's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    I'm 6'2 and have the same problem only not quite so bad! I found the rows of 2 seats at the rear give quite good legroom and they also have the advantage of their being a little room at the side to stretch into.
    Regards, Mark

  8. #8
    Moderator christhear's Avatar
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    Westbury,Davenport,Florida.& Hemel Hempstead
    Try to book the second row of 2 seats near the rear of the plane. If you sit next to the window you can stretch your legs down beside the seat infront of you as there is a big gap between this and the window.

    Regarding the bulkhead seats, we normally manage to get these as my son has ADHD, but are only issued on arriving at the airport and never gauranteed. If you get an older plane there is very little legroom indeed as you can not stretch your legs out, the newer planes allow more room here. But i would defineately say my first option is your best bet and you can book these online. Only downside is you will be one of the last off the plane so at the back of the immigration queues.

  9. #9
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Oct 2005
    Hi Karen

    we travelled in economy last year with my husband who's 6'3"

    because of the childrens disability we where allocated a bulkhead and his legs still touched the wall (he has a 37 inside leg so he's all legs too) his brother who's 6'5" sat behind and said although a little bit squashed it wasn't to bad

    i think you may find it difficult to get bulkhead seating these are not only reserved for babies who need a sky cot but also for people with disabilities and reduced mobility

    also people requiring bulkeads have usually contacted special assistance well in advance, ours where shown already allocated on the computer the day before so you could turn up really early and these seats will already have been allocated and i'm afraid height is definately bottom on the list when they prioritise these seats

    like suggested on here you could go for the exit row and pay for the privilege or try and get one of the rows towards the back that has seats in "twos"

    good luck


  10. #10
    Florida Savvy
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    it will not be possible to reserve an "exit" seat before you check in. Airlines are required by law to allocate these to people who are able to operate the emergency exit handle and therefore need to see you in person.

    My husband is 6'3 and always asks for an exit seat when we check-in. We are lucky as we only live 20 mins from Gatwick, so we always make sure we are first in the queue at twilight check-in. Generally he has to pay £50 for the seat but a couple of times he has been excused (once because the flight was full and once because it was half empty ?!)

    He has put up with sitting in an economy seat but finds it really uncomfortable.

    If I was in that position I would try and get an exit seat and pay up the extra.

    Hope this helps.



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