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Thread: Phone Card - Buy One if you want to make any Calls

  1. #11
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Ian this sounds great how can I contact them?

  2. #12
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Ian this sounds great how can I contact them?

  3. #13
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Hi Janesansom,
    I'll look out their details over the weekend and let you know. We have an auto-top up with them - they just charge our card when our balance drops below an agreed figure. We've been with them for about 4 years and had no trouble whatsoever with their service.

  4. #14
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    ''Breathe'' the cheap phone providers can be contacted on 0845 458 0000.
    If this does not get you through to them try 0808 188 5005.
    Its a testament to their service that I can't find any up-to-date contact for them (either that or my pathetic filing system!). They are a part of Affinity Wireless.
    Let me know please.

  5. #15
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    If Ian's number doesn't work-I may have another one.
    BTW-the Sprint Bill arrived today-and it's still not sorted out. They still have charged us $75 over the odds.

    I hat hassle!

    And the insurance is in-$715.

    I topped it up end of last year with fire and theft-I thought that was for the yearly amount-so I'm back on the phone about that one on Monday as well!

    Double hassle!


  6. #16
    One thing about phone cards, we have a special line in our villa that offers guest services etc for local resturant deliveries etc, its the kind of line often used for short term rentals that allows the guest to log their credit card.
    Can anyone tell me if the phone cards work on these, because I thought I read somewhere that they wouldn't.

  7. #17
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Yes, the phone cards do work on these rental phones. I advise all my guests to use them as I have been caught out myself with a high credit card bill before. I have been told that the management company takes a share of the profits on the credit card calls. If that is true I am not very pleased as they routinely put in these phones, and we were certainly not advised that they made money for themselves by doing so!.


  8. #18
    One thing my management company told me only at the end of my last stay in my own villa was that the owners have a pincode to enter which will open the phone up for use at normal phone rates and the charges will appear on the next statement like a normal phone.

    The credit card facility is just for guests.

    So I will be using that next time.

    only 12 months late but better than never!!

  9. #19
    Florida Savvy
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Its very improtant to have a phone card I have been told by others that thier guests have had bills up to $1000 my managment company gives the guest a $5 phone card ready for them to phone home and we also have a notice at the side of the phone to worn them


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