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  1. #41
    Florida Expert
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    Feb 2002
    I opted for names that wouldn't be abbreviated and although they were quite common names some years ago they are not quite so popular now, so my children do not tend to have many 'doubles' among their friends and classmates, but they are easy to get 'named' items for. Paul,John,Dean,Mark and Jade.

  2. #42
    Florida Newbie
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    May 2003
    Stewart is still a well used name in scotland. Nigel is a bit more unusual these days!

  3. #43
    Florida Newbie
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    Apr 2003
    For years and years and years Zara was my favorite girls name. And I knew Princess Anne named her daughter that, even though I am way over here (NY). But, alas, Zara is an arabic name meaning splendor of the east, and these days (post 9/11) the sentiment in the US would have been unfavorable to an arabic name in a non-arabic family. AND seeing as we had boys, it negated itself as an issue. :-). I think it goes lovely with Rachael.


  4. #44
    Super Moderator MTP's Avatar
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    May 2003
    When we were first over in the States with Camp America my name caused real problems, especially for the camp director. I think that was because he saw it written first rather than heard it. Aileen hasn't really had any problems in the States and she likes the fact that the first female serial killer caught in the states was also caused Aileen[:0]. Our son doesn't really have any problem as Nathan is quite popular, however our daughter is a different kettle of fish. Her name is Caraid and it is gaelic for friend, used informally, although we have always called her Cara (pronounced Cayra in America), but the pronunciation (when she has been bad) is Caritch.

    There is a Highland tradition, though, that I thought you might like. I guess it cpmes from continuing on the male names and is much more commonly found in the 60+ age group. Basically any male name can be used for a female (usually the first born in the family) as long as ina is added on to the name (in pronounced in the same as in nine). So you get Kennethina, Williamina, Jamesina ... I have to say it does kind of sound like "we wanted a boy"

    Best wishes,

    Euan (More readily understood thanks to Euan McGregor and Obe Wan Kenobe!)

  5. #45
    Florida Expert
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    May 2003
    We always have a problem with "named" things for my youngest, Polly. If ever I see things where they will add a name I buy those. My other two, Bethany (popular now but I had never heard it when we chose it - my husband was reading a Stephen King book!) and Rachel (which my husband liked). As Polly is not that popular people do have a tendancy to call her Molly or Holly so then I really have to emphasise the 'P'!

  6. #46
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Jan 2004
    This is an old forum, but I'm new and reading through everything so here goes-I named my daughter Celine when she was born in 1993. Everyone thinks she is named after Celine Dion, but she isn't, I just found the name in a baby name dictionary and liked it. The Celine Dion thing really irritates her; unfortunately we are Donohues so she even has the same initials as Celine Dion. And in spite of Celine Dion's popularity, I have never seen anything w/the name Celine on it, even at Disney (which also really irritates her since her brother's name is Casey and he has all kinds of name things).
    My friend named her new baby "Clementine". Sounds like she is from Florida (like the fruit), but she's not.
    I take that back about Celine- I was in Brussles a few yrs ago and found a tie by the designer celine w/the name all over it, I bought it but of course my husband wears it, not her.

  7. #47
    Florida Savvy DISNEYDIVA's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    I named my daughter TABITHA after the TV series Bewitched. I chose the name when i was at school and still love it (that was in the 70's) My granddaughter is called Emily, i guess my daughters way of saying now that's a proper girls name mum.


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