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Thread: Go to EPCOT First

  1. #1
    Florida Newbie
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    Feb 2002

    Go to EPCOT First

    If this is going to be your first visit to WDW, and you have kids with you I highly recommend you spend a day in EPCOT first, the kids are more likely to accept it's educational bias if they have not been exposed to the likes of the Magic Kingdom first.
    It's well worth at least a day of your holiday, but it will take 2 to do it full justice.

  2. #2
    Florida Expert
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    Feb 2002
    The first time we went the children were 4 and 7 and we went to the Magic Kingdom first. After we'd 'done' Epcot we told them we'd go back and do one of the parks one last time before we went home but we'd let them choose. Much to my surprise they both said they liked Epcot a lot better than MK. They still think the same all these years later.

    Aint kids funny!


  3. #3
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Feb 2002
    I agree!
    We've rather 'gone off' Epcot at the moment as we feel you get so little value for money there compared to other parks, Universal included
    Basically we feel that you are paying for the privilege to eat and shop!
    It really annoys me that they are still showing the original film in China that we first saw 11 years ago!
    Sorry-all you Epcot lovers!
    What does everyone else think


  4. #4
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    EPCOT is rough on Disney because the hardest thing to do is keep a vision of the future up-to-date. They are spending money on it right now with more new attractions located near the 2 yr old "Test Track" attraction. The China movie is unchanging, but that's probably partly the decision of the Chinese government who sponsors the exhibit. All that said, I agree EPCOT is the most acquired taste of all the parks.

  5. #5
    Florida Savvy
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    Feb 2002
    We are going over next week and plan to take our parents out for a meal in one of the pavilions at Epcot. Anyone got any recommendations on which one is the best?


  6. #6
    Florida Newbie
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    Feb 2002
    I would be interested to know if any Disney Annual passholders have had a chance to try out the new reserved viewing area for the reflections of earth display it is right on the water accross from Doge`s Palace in Italy according to Disneys news letter it is supposed to be one of the best places to watch the show we usually watch it from the U K while we eat our fish &chips

    sue greenhalgh

  7. #7
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Feb 2002
    Jennifer, we like Morocco - take the boat ride round first and get used to the place. Then sitting in the restaurant with the volcano in the distance is really quite authentic.
    OR for more expensive and classier try France where they have 2 levels of restaurant (1 we've managed to afford and 1 where we've just looked!)

  8. #8
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Feb 2002
    We have been visiting Orlando for 15 years and always find something to do at Epcot. The Tapestry of Nations parade (I think it may have changed its name slightly) is lovely to watch - it's cancelled if its windy, you can understand why once you have seen the parade. The music is wonderful and the costumes tremendous. We tend to watch it from USA as that way we can see anything going on at the Band Stand area too. The kids did masks one year - ie you visit every country and there is a desk to do a piece of artwork on your mask or whatever they have that year - I think it could be passports this year. This kept our 4 and 8 yr old interested. My daughter also started collecting flags so this was a great place for her to add to her collection. I agree they could update it a little but it is still a lovely park - something for all ages and tastes. If you have back problems though, DO NOT try the Travelling through the Body ride (not sure of exact name - sorry!)

  9. #9
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    The "traveling through the body ride" is Body Wars in the Metropolitan Life pavillion. It is one of those motion simulator rides, and it is very rough. Teens would like it though.

  10. #10
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Feb 2002
    Do try and take the boat over the lake - particularly early evening as the driver will tell you which way the wind is blowing and where not to stand for the fireworks. He will also tell you the most advantageous points to get a great view.


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