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Thread: visa

  1. #1


    My husband is a serving police officer in uk with just under six years till he can retire - i own a couple of businesses here one with foreign students and another property development business - we also have a couple of villas in orlando - what would be the easiest way for us to be able to move to florida when my husband retires??? buy a business ?? extend one of ours??? we would love to renovate properties out there as we do here - any suggestions.


    Sue Bugden

  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    L1 inter company transfer is much better than E2 because you can get a green card and eventually retire wheras on E2 you cant stop running the business. You do however need to keep the UK end trading with a decent turnover and employees right through the initial one year visa and then through the green card period. That is what scuppers many who are running one man businesses. If you go L1, you can buy a biz or start a biz. On an E2, they frown on anything based on property which can be seen as passive investment. On L1 you may get a business plan for property renovation through especially as it is what you do in the UK, I know someone who is building a house on L1.


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