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Thread: Married to an American?

  1. #1
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Married to an American?

    My BIL is a Canadian with a dual British citizenship since he was born in Scotland. My sister is an American but they have been living in Canada for almost thirty years... with vacations here to visit family. My sister never got Canadian citizenship.

    Since my BIL's retirement (he was a public school administrator and teacher) they have been spending six months in the Orlando area. My sister is just tired of the long winters. One of their kids now lives in the Orlando area with her husband and two children. She, of course, is an American citizen even though she was born in Canada.

    Anyway my BIL was thinking of taking a part time job at Disney just to have something to do and to put a little extra money in their purse. He does have a social security card that he got when he was here living with his parents when he was a teenager.

    Would he need a green card? How hard would that be for him to get? Who would know he is not a citizen since he does have a social security card? My BIL thinks if he did get a job it would throw up a red flag since he hasn't earned any money or paid any social security taxes since he was a teenager.

    Reading this forum has been very educational. I never knew that it was so hard for the British to get citizenship. Amazing. That part about raising kids here and then having them sent back when they reached 21 was simply heart stoppping.

    I'm also kind of curious about why some think this country offers their kids more than Britian. It is not like Britian is a third world country and I've always just assumed that educations were better in Europe than here. At least that is what we are told everytime we have to approve a new school tax.[msnwink]

    Apologizing in advance for my ignorance. [msneek]


  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    He needs to apply for a green card, he will then be able to get an EAD, which is permission to work. Shouldnt be hard married to an American for all that time, but like everything here, a slow process. I have no idea whether an old social security number would work for employment but do know that there are big fines for people who employ others illegally without the proper paperwork. WalMart was just fined for employing illegal hispanics. Disney may have someone scrutinising paperwork, or with so many illegals around anyway, who knows??

    Why do people bring their kids here, well you are right it isnt for the education which isnt as good as in the UK. The Florida weather leads to a more relaxed and outdoor lifestyle. In the UK, kids are couch potatoes but then they dont have much choice in the matter as the weather stops you doing outdoor things for much of the year. I also like the way the no drinking till 21 law lengthens childhood, in the UK so many kids are drinking and going to pubs and clubs at 14 and acting like little adults when they are still children, here they just cant so that so they find something else to do whether it is going to coffee bars, the movies, pool parties or whatever, it is a sight more innocent and more healthy.

  3. #3
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Thanks Julie.

    It still seems kind of weird that my BIL must ask the government for permission to work when his wife and kids are all American citizens.

    He was pretty bored when he was down here for six months the last time around. He is used to being busy with necessary stuff and six months of more or less vacation drove him nuts.

    I love to hear that to some the United States is still a desireable place to come. Doesn't it seem that we hear nothing but how we are hated around the world? Just getting on this forum and reading how our British friends still think we are a nice place to be is really uplifting.

    God Bless you all.


  4. #4
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by esprit
    The Florida weather leads to a more relaxed and outdoor lifestyle. In the UK, kids are couch potatoes

    Belive me, kids here are couch potatos also! Go to any middle school at quitting time and count the fat kids. There are many!

    Also, you are all right about Florida schools. They are some of the worst in the USA. We moved here from Ohio two years ago. We miss Ohio schools terribly. Even thinking about relocating back to the midwest or the east coast.
    Jeff & Amy Stephens

  5. #5
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    May 2003
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by flyrr100
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by esprit
    The Florida weather leads to a more relaxed and outdoor lifestyle. In the UK, kids are couch potatoes

    Belive me, kids here are couch potatos also! Go to any middle school at quitting time and count the fat kids. There are many!

    Also, you are all right about Florida schools. They are some of the worst in the USA. We moved here from Ohio two years ago. We miss Ohio schools terribly. Even thinking about relocating back to the midwest or the east coast.

    Schools are going down hill up here too........my sons school was one of the best in the area......but a new headmaster put pay to that.......


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