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Thread: Holidays at Home

  1. #1
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Holidays at Home

    We've come up with a heap of fun ideas for vacation activities around the home.

    * Pretend to go to the beach by lying in your back yard until you're completely sunburnt. Pay neighbourhood children to hit you with a mis-thrown tennis ball just as you're about to drift off to sleep.
    * Recreate a holiday to the Swiss Alps by breaking open your bean bag and skiing on the beads.
    * Re-enact exciting search and rescue operations using Barbie and the ice-cave that is the freezer compartment.
    * Go on an 'African Safari' by placing a mane on your pet dog, then taking photos of it through a 1600mm zoom lens.
    * Recreate a trek down the mighty Amazon river by placing lots of pot plants around your bath.
    * Buy some watermelons and vodka, and drink yourself silly each evening on dacquiris. For more autheniticity, pay your kids $15 per drink you have. If you don't have kids, just put a match to $100.
    * Why climb Mt Everest when there's an awfully steep 'mountain' on your roof.
    * Recreate an authentic London-holiday adventure by sitting indoors and listening to your friends complaining that it's raining.
    Paris is a romantic holiday destination that can easily be replicated in your own home. Simply ask all your house mates to be rude to you.
    * Pretend you're in New Jersey by visiting the local garbage dump.
    * Don't bother visiting Sydney - make your own. Bend a coat hanger to look like the Bridge, and drive matchbox cars over it. Charge yourself a toll for every trip south.
    * Cheap vodka and a rotten potato make for a great taste of Russia. * For more authenticity, queue for six hours to buy the potato.
    * India is hot, smelly and full of beggars. So is your local shopping mall.
    * A holiday to Houston, Texas can be replicated by buying your family 10 gallon hats and saying 'y'all' at the start of every sentence.
    * Take a virtual trip to LA by taking a handgun on the freeway.
    * Turn on the hot water in your shower and leave it running for an hour to create the steamy environment of Singapore.
    * Simulate an authentic night in the wild by pitching a tent in your lounge room and tuning the TV to the Discovery Channel.

  2. #2
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Have you been raiding the pill cabinet again???
    Neil & Kay

  3. #3
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    only the special blue pills mr frosty with a big v on!

  4. #4
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Think we'll stick with Florida!

    I can see us ending up in the mad house if this catches on!

    Andrew & Diane Moore


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