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Thread: Flying with a 22 month old - on my knee !

  1. #1
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Flying with a 22 month old - on my knee !


    We're flying with Airtours to Orlando Sanford on 1 May this year and our daughter, who will be 22 months old, does not have her own seat (I don't think we could have got her one even if we wanted to). Anyway, I'm absolutely dreading the flight but am quite prepared for what's in store.

    Does anyone know whether the car seat and buggy will count towards our 20kg per person baggage allowance ? (I think it probably will). Also, are the sky cots or baby bassinettes only for babies or will they / can they accommodate infants ?

    Finally, has anyone travelled such a long way with a toddler on their lap and what was your experiences (or is that a silly question !!)


  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I've not travelled with one that young but several on here have. I know from my observations on flights though, that I would be very surprised if the skycots will accommodate a toddler of nearly 2. They are basically a bit smaller than a normal carrycot and are placed on a pull down table in front of you and I don't think they would take the weight of a toddler.
    I don't think the buggy will count towards your luggage allowance as that is normally your checked luggage and the usual procadure is to keep the buggy with you till boarding. I think the car seat will though.
    Babblin Boo

  3. #3
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Feb 2002
    I have travelled with young children a lot on Orlando flights & in my experience the buggy and car seat won't count towards your allowance. Your 22 month old will be too big for a sky cot but British Airways for one now have seats that strap to the sky cot shelf. My youngest used one of these at 18 months of age so if Airtours have these you may be lucky and get one of these if you have a bulkhead seat. Fingers crossed

  4. #4
    Florida Expert
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    Bedfordshire and Esprit
    Even if your daughter is too big for the sky cot it is still worth asking for the bulkhead seats if you can get them. There is a bit more leg room there and nobody is going to walk on it so my two boys used to use the blankets and pillows and lie on the floor. Sounds awfully uncomfortable but they said it was more comfortable to be able to stretch out - one would lie across 2 seats one on the floor space.
    I've flown with a toddler on my lap - it's not ideal but you'll survive. Flying isn't something I enjoy much at all so I look on it purely as a means to an end - keep telling yourself its worth it because you're going to Disney.
    Also make sure you get up and walk around - usually there is the odd space by the doors where you can move around a little bit and stretch your legs.


  5. #5
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    HI Shona
    been there done that
    you wont get a sky cot as others have said
    your buggy you can keep with you in the airport right up till you get to boarding
    yes it is a long flight with a baby on your knee but normally the baby fairs better than you will i had another 4 year old with us and for some of the time the 2 kids shared the one seat and were fine
    think positive she might sleep some of the way
    have a great time when you get there

  6. #6
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Feb 2002
    Dont worry about the allowance for the buggy etc, we always take our own car seat too but have no problem.
    Airtours don't have car seats and your toddler will be too big for the bassinet but its never as bad as you think, take plenty of food with you and maybe phenergan (mild sedative)incase they get abit naughty.
    dont forget airtours charge for drinks which are very expensive, take plenty of soft drinks with you too.

  7. #7
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thanks everyone - not so worried about buggies/car seats now.

    I'm really looking forward to being in Florida again, so I think I'll just focus on that. Anyway , I'm sure she'll be fine on the flight and if not, well, there's not a lot of options is there !!

    Thanks again

  8. #8
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Feb 2002
    Just to add to this topic-we arrived with our 22 month old grandson this week.

    It's not easy when they weigh 30lbs and they have little understanding and even less verbal skills.

    Fortunately we always do the trip in one hop-to at least lessen the travelling day.

    Taking a younger baby is so much easier.

    Re-the jet lag-I think they cope better than us.

  9. #9
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Done this quite a few times in the past!
    Some flights were good, some not so good-all I would say that most were not as bad as expected and all fade into insignificance when you arrive.

  10. #10
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Feb 2002
    My friend went to Australia last year twice taking her grandaughter who was at the time 15 and 18 months and survived both journeys fine. She said its not the most comfortable way to sit for 24 hours each way but they couldnt get another seat for the little one and she wouldnt have use it anyway as she prefers nannys lap.
    Babblin Boo


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