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View Poll Results: Blood Donors

36. You may not vote on this poll
  • I donate regularly (every 4 months)

    13 36.11%
  • when I can (6-12 months)

    12 33.33%
  • Its something I''ve always wanted to do but never got round to it

    6 16.67%
  • I have no wish to donate

    3 8.33%
  • It is against my religion

    0 0%
  • I have recently had a baby/tattoo/piercing but would donate after 12 month waiting period is up

    1 2.78%
  • I have received a transfusion that helped save my life and now donate

    0 0%
  • Never thought about it

    1 2.78%
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Thread: Blood Donors

  1. #11
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Chrissy you are absolutely right, when we moved to Southern Ireland a few years ago, Liam went to donate and was told that they didn't want it for the very same reasons you cannot donate there. He was really miffed!!!![msnmad][}]

    Although must be honest and say, we haven't been vey pro-active since returning to the UK, the 6% really makes you think.
    Sandie & Liam


  2. #12
    Gold 5 Star Member Lyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Chatham Park, Kissimmee & Glenfield, Leicester
    I always used to go twice a year before I had the kids, but have never got round to it since. My daughter now gives every 4 months but I am now so nervous of needles and have terrible trouble with veins (or the lack of them) that it makes me feel faint just thinking about it. I do feel guilty though[msnsad]

  3. #13
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Manchester, England
    I started in 1989 and try to go as often as I can, although sometimes this isn't as often as I'd like due to travel and time committments. I got a badge from them a couple of years ago but I can't remember if it was the bronze or silver one.

    A really good friend of mine is a nurse and she did a stint with the blood transfusion service. When she first started she used us all as human crash test dummies to practice finding veins. We'd have many a happy evening in her living room being swabbed and needled.

  4. #14
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I donate every four months. My veins like to stay well hidden but they always manage to find one and I donate with no problem.

    Very sad to read that only 6% of the population donate!


  5. #15
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I donated for over 10 years but can't anymore for medical reasons [msnsad]

  6. #16
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Jun 2003
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by chrizzy100
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Nostromo
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by chrizzy100
    if you're English you can't donate blood in the USA.....

    I did not know that. Why? Does it apply only to English people for some strange historical reason or all non-Americans?

    I was told its because of mad cow......so it would be anyone who has moved to the USA where there has been mad cow.......

    Mad Cow? C'mon. They can't be serious.....that's Crazy! (If you'll forgive the pun). People in the UK still donate blood within the country and we are not exactly infested with CJD are we?

  7. #17
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    It's true though, it's because of CJD.

    At this time, the American Red Cross donor eligibility rules related to vCJD are as follows:

    You are not eligible to donate if, since 1980, you :
    * Spent a total time of 3 months or more in any of these countries:
    England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Channel Islands, or

    * Spent a total time of 6 months or more in any combination of these countries:
    Albania, Andorra, Austria, Azores, Belarus, Belgium, Boznia/Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Channel Islands, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Falkland Islands, Faroe Island, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland (Republic of), Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madeira Islands, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands (Holland), Northern Ireland, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Scotland, # Slovak Republic (Slovakia), Slovenia, Spain, Svalbard, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Vatican City, Wales, Yugoslavia (includes Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia)

    # Received insulin derived from cattle (bovine) from any of the countries listed above

    # Received a blood transfusion in any of these countries:
    England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Channel Islands


  8. #18
    Gold 5 Star Member LiesaAnna's Avatar
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    Brighton, United Kingdom
    was told i cant as i have high blood pressure and take medication daily, also the arthritis take medication daily, would have been quite happy to give it but was told i couldnt!
    hubby Steve gives regularly and is Anthony Nolan bone marrow register, but he is a fainter!!! always has but has overcome it slightly since giving blood, hes a big bloke and feels so stupid cos he faints! we had to go to the hospital together once for blood test i was 7- 8 months pregnant and fine he was well fine after they picked him up off the floor, now they make him lay down anywhere if he has to give blood for whatever reason!!
    so i couldnt vote!!![msnwink]
    Both A positive, and steve gives every 3 months ... my hero!


  9. #19
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I too may be a mad cow!

    Last year the blood transfusion service decided if you had received a transfusion during a certain time period in the UK you may carry CJD and therefore you cannot donate any more. They must have lost a lot of donor this way and therefore must need a lot more

    I still owe about 8 pints. I'd have loved to have paid them back.

    Thank you very much to all you donors - some of us wouldn't be here without your generousity.

  10. #20
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I try to donate every six months but for many reasons not always possible. It is a good feeling knowing that you are helping others to recover.[msnsmile2]


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