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View Poll Results: If you won the lottery ...

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  • carry on working and not tell anybody

    4 3.70%
  • go on a round the world cruise/other exotic holiday

    13 12.04%
  • buy your own villa in Florida (or another if you already have one!)

    45 41.67%
  • set up a charitable trust

    1 0.93%
  • start your own business

    7 6.48%
  • give it all away

    1 0.93%
  • share it with family/friends

    22 20.37%
  • other

    15 13.89%
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Thread: If you won the lottery ...

  1. #31
    Florida Chatterbox tony2000's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Indian ridge oak Florida , South Godstone
    I think I would share and then shop and shop

  2. #32
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by tony2000
    I think I would share and then shop and shop

    Wow, I forgot I had even posted this poll - and can't believe it is 5 years since we last visited Florida!! Visited in January 2005 but never got round to posting trip report. where does the time go?

  3. #33
    Gold 5 Star Member Lyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Chatham Park, Kissimmee & Glenfield, Leicester
    I voted buy a villa. I might also invest in a business with a manager so I could stay as long as I liked[msnwink]. However I have done the lottery every Saturday since it began and so far we have won 3 times unfortunatly it was only £10 a time[msnscared]

  4. #34
    We would buy another villa as so cheap at the moment and can look for a place we would use ourselves .

  5. #35
    Gold 5 Star Member Andrena's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Edinburgh, United Kingdom
    Hopefully would win more than 1 million and then I could really go to town.
    Buy another villa, bigger than ours and stay longer in Florida and fly 1st Class
    Buy a home in Austria which is a country we love - no problems about visa there either
    Go on a round the world cruise
    Pay off our kids mortgages and make sure they were comfortabley off.
    Put money in trust for our grandchildren
    Put enough money aside to make sure that their school fees were paid until they had finished their education
    Give a sum to Erskine Hospital who looked after my Dad and look after any ex-servicemen and women
    Give a sum to Christian Aid
    after all that just enjoy ourselves for the rest of our lives.
    Oh and put a sum into a Private Medical Insurance so that I don;t have to rely on the NHS for any future illnesses.

    You can but dream. Mind you a colleague and I several years ago tried to see how we could spend £14 milliam, I think at that time someone had just won a sum like that, but we found it difficult to get much past 7 million and that was thinking of really daft and over indulgent things.

    Oh I am off to bed to dream of winning the lottery, mind you I forgot to put on the Euro Lottery tonight so just hope my usual numbers don't come up!!!


  6. #36
    Gold 5 Star Member E. Cosgrove's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    My SIL won just over 2 million in the first lottery of this year!![msnoo]She was actually part of a syndicate and ended up with just short of a 100,000....... not to be sniffed at!

    My point is that until that happened I thought lottery wins happened to other people, in my case they do as I rarely by a ticket

    If I won a serious amount of money my first priority would be my family. I wish you could by good health as well, at the moment we are both in reasonable health for our age but all the money in the world is no good unless you have the good health to enjoy it


  7. #37
    Florida Expert jimiansville's Avatar
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    May 2005
    United Kingdom
    I think the best thing about a big win would be not to have to think too much about the cost of things we want to do. Sure, a lot of the pleasures in life are free but a heck of a lot cost money! We would love a nice boat and once we had sorted out our ideal home and cars, which are the obvious things, that would be next on the list.

    You are so right Liz. Good health is the one thing you can't buy or put a price on. Good health is in itself a bit of a lottery! I was lucky enough to take advantage of an early retirement package a couple of years ago and my partner is also semi-retired. After a couple of health problems in the past few months it really made us focus on the importance of good health....


  8. #38
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'd probably go on a round the world holiday, buy a villa in Florida, share some with family, give some to charity, and set up my own business.


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