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Thread: flyblu

  1. #1


    Hi this has prob been talked about before but has anyone flown with flyblu?

  2. #2
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by dizzy
    Hi this has prob been talked about before but has anyone flown with flyblu?

    Did they ever get off the ground?


  3. #3
    Florida Expert
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    No no-one has flown as they are yet to start, from what I have heard there are a lot of dissapointed customers who thought they had a flight booked only to find when they rang to pay their balance they were told SORRY, I think they got some sort of compo, but hey that must be dissapointing.
    According to there webb site it will be next year when they start, and just when we all thought they would be giving VIRGIN a run for there money!!!!!!

  4. #4
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by ravtino
    No no-one has flown as they are yet to start, from what I have heard there are a lot of dissapointed customers who thought they had a flight booked only to find when they rang to pay their balance they were told SORRY, I think they got some sort of compo, but hey that must be dissapointing.
    According to there webb site it will be next year when they start, and just when we all thought they would be giving VIRGIN a run for there money!!!!!!

    I had a feeling this would happen when there was a buzz about them last year, as I said then always best to wait till a new airline has a few months under the belt before booking with them.


  5. #5
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Jun 2003
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:[i]Originally posted by lal[/i
    Did they ever get off the ground?


    Of course - right off into the wide blu yonder! [)][)]

  6. #6
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I know I looked into Flyblu when first launched, and still monitor their web site.

    I actually spoke to their 'sales' office late Spring 2004 and they weren't actually taking reservations/money - but they were offering to hold a seat/seats as advance orders.

    Things might have changed since that call I made, if you think that deposits were getting paid Ravtino.........

    Anyway, I will still monitor their developments with interest, but maybe not rely on them being ready for my trip in Feb 05!

  7. #7

    We have never heard of Flyblu, are they uk based. Going now to look for their website.

    I would like to see them operating before i booked i flight.
    Craig and Karen

  8. #8
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    if you do a search [top of page] you will find a thread where we talked about flyblu when it was first launched....

    the reason i liked the sound of it was the option to fly from birmingham to either Orlando, Sanford or Fort Lauderdale [mixing outbound and return flights at no extra cost] and also the option for better seating configuration at what i felt was not extortionate cost....

    anyway proof of pudding will be in the eating...... if they ever get off the ground [and i hope they do].

  9. #9
    Florida Expert
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    Dec 2003
    I heard they were taking money - it was a travel agent that told me, so I am only passing on what I have been told.[?]

  10. #10
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    woops have i offended you? my earlier message was not intended to sound like i was saying you were wrong about money, only that things might have changed since i actually spoke to Flyblu - maybe because they had hoped to have actually 'taken off!' by summer 04, perhaps they had started to take monies for the earlier bookings [my enquiry was for Feb 05 so a long way off].

    anyway if i upset you, sorry... ruthless333


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