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Thread: holiday planner help needed

  1. #1
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    holiday planner help needed

    hi there all.
    my wife and i have finally sat down and written a holiday plan using the brits guide to florida and walt disney world as a guide and i was wondering what your opinions were of it.
    there will be four people going on the holiday (3 adults and 1 child aged 5)
    i have been before but it was 15 years ago so i guess it has changed considerably hence why i am asking for advice.
    so here goes:

    sunday:arrive in kissimee

    monday:islands of adventure

    tuesday:animal kingdom

    wednesday:kennedy space centre

    thursday:blizzard beach/shopping

    friday:magic kingdom (including mickeys not so scary halloween party in evening)



    monday:busch gardens


    wednesday:mgm studios

    thursdays:sea world

    friday:universal studios

    saturday magic kingdom

    sunday:depart for home

    your ideas would be really appreciated.
    i feel totally knackered just thinking about it.

  2. #2
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    May 2004
    WOW - Thats a busy schedule - I suggest you build some rest time into it somewhere, otherwise you will need a holiday when you return home.

  3. #3
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Thats one busy holiday plan Paul. You will need a holiday after all that![msnsmile2]
    We took our sons for the first time to Florida when they were 7 & 5, and tried to pack as mush as we could into the two weeks. We found that the heat and the crowds in the parks got to them, especially if we did two days in a row. [msnscared]
    We wished we had booked a week on the coast afterwards to rest, it was fun but man was it tiring![msnsmile2]

  4. #4
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Mar 2004
    Look at the Schedule your going to be very busy not to mention tired. Have you thought about a rest in the middle to "chill out" as they say. Your fitting alot in during your stay. Have you not thought about missing one or two of the parks out or only spending half a day at a park. We have done a full week of parks etc without a rest and were we tired at the end of it. This only my opinion if you feel happy with your plan then go for it you can alway change it half way through the holiday if your sick of theme park and are tired.
    Neil & Cathy


  5. #5
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    mmm,rest time.
    i did think that but couldn't see where to include some without missing out on anything.
    i guess i was kinda hoping to rest when we go to daytona,kennedy space centre and the water parks.

  6. #6
    its a very busy schedule, you wil need a holiday when you get home to recover from all that, we try to have a few rest days we spend shopping and lazing around the pool.
    Jen & Amy


  7. #7
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Boy you will be busy !!!

    You might just about keep to the schedule as you have a 15 year old rather than a younger child.

    I would agree with the others that you will almost certainly need a few rest days or days when you might want to go shopping.

    It would also help if you try and group your visits so that you do Disney back to back rather than Universal one day and Disney the next.

    We find that depending on the Park sometimes you can do say Animal Kingdom in half a day which will then allow you time to do parts of other Disney Parks the rest of the day.

    Also I would travel to Kennedy Space Centre and Daytona at the weekend - this will leave you week days for the parks which tend to be quiter than the weekends.

    What ever you do I am sure you will have a great time and notice a massive change from when you were last out in Orlando.

  8. #8
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Just re read your original message.

    Whoops with a 5 year old you will be hard pushed to cover the ground that you had planned.


  9. #9
    Gold 5 Star Member stabard's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    WE took Our 5 year old last year and he found the whole thing quite knackering. Had to resort to a stroller after day 3[msneek] But as you say you could rest on the beach and at the water parks I guess[msncool]
    Jan and Lee

  10. #10
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Well, it can be done!! At least you have only opted for one park a day! However, you will need to rest. Daytona Beach could be a chill out day, but it is quite a drive. Kennedy is a drive too..... As is Busch Gardens....... I also found the water park visits rest day's for me, as I don't do water! So I sat and read a book and sunbathed, whilst the kids and hubby ran around the parks! Don't forget, there is no point saying but we'll miss something - you would need 6 months out there to do everything, so don't even try! It will be a struggle with a 5 year old too, the parks are huge, and the walks enormous.......

    You could probably combine a day at Animal Kingdom with a water park, as the younger kids tend to get bored at the water park all day - Well mine did! They love water, but the heat gets a bit much.

    It's difficult though, of course you want to do as much as you can, but you won't be able to, just remember, there will be a day when you wake up, and say "to hell with the plan, let's sleep" coz we did that! We also found it near impossible to stick to the plan we laid out, not because of tiredness, just because we got up and decided that we wanted to do something out of sync, so we did!

    You will love it though, and your 5 year old will adore MK! Have fun!


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