View Full Version : Would you prefer "adults only" flights

18-02-2012, 18:54
Would any other people prefer the option of a child-free flight? OK, so this may not go down well with those families including children, but I was thinking about maybe one adult only flight per day, or perhaps only on a couple of days per week. Several recent flights from Manchester to Orlando have been particularly unpleasant, due to badly behaved, out of control, children.

18-02-2012, 19:06
It's an interesting question, but I'd rather we not go there if that's all the same as it has the potential to offend quite a few people (us included). Not everyone has badly behaved children and I see no reason why responsible parents with well behaved children get discriminated against like this.

What about one flight every so often without those annoying so and so's who insist on reclining their chairs to the max or perhaps without those who insist on drinking themselves silly as the drinks are free? I think everyone will have different bug-bears about flying as you're always going to when so many people are in such a small space. Thankfully all these things are very much in a minority :).

I'm afraid I'm locking the thread.