View Full Version : Discount brochures

20-05-2009, 14:30

Can anyone advise on website addresses or the names of the little discount books that you pick up free at various tourist infos and restraunts orund the area.We have friends going for the first time and wanted to give them and idea of things.

Nina A
20-05-2009, 15:27
Hi Andy,

Your friends can pick up coupon books just about everywhere when they are there, no need to get them in advance. Just pop into the local supermarket or tourist information place.

I would also recommend they buy a copy of the excellent 'Brit Guide to Orlando and Walt Disney World'(Amazon or W H Smith). Updated every year it is packed full of great hints and tips many of which can save you a fortune. Even though we know the area well we never go without the latest edition. There are also coupons in the back cover to get you started. They also include web addresses for the Malls, if you look these up you can print off discount vouchers. You can also get a free Orlando Magicard from the Orlando Tourism Bureau for discounts to the smaller attractions, dinner shows, shops etc. Download online or call into the office on I-Drive, again the Brit Guide has details (p11).

Tell them not to be shy about using coupons or asking for a doggy bag in a restaurant to take the leftovers home, it is expected that you will.

I hope this helps.

20-05-2009, 15:32
Thanks Nina

We have been every year for the last 13 years ourselves sometimes twice .I just thought it would be good to show them before they went as I am sure that most of the discount books have website addresses.We had some at home from last year but I cant lay my hands on them and we are not going until October this year


20-05-2009, 23:34
I would suggest that your friends register for Premium Outlets VIP club for advance notification of sales and special events, and also downloadable discount vouchers that you won't find in the little booklets. Just Coogle for Premium Outlets VIP Club.

20-05-2009, 23:36
The coupon book companies do not have websites. They rely on retail based outlets, so advertising online would be counter productive.

<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by botchyb
Thanks Nina

We have been every year for the last 13 years ourselves sometimes twice .I just thought it would be good to show them before they went as I am sure that most of the discount books have website addresses.We had some at home from last year but I cant lay my hands on them and we are not going until October this year


21-05-2009, 16:53
Hi Andy ,

we are not long back and have a few of these coupon books and disney park brochures that we brought back for friends who were going out soon but had to cancel, if you want to send me a note of your address I would be happy to post them to you.

you can send your address by private message if you like


22-05-2009, 02:56
Andy, I assume you have pointed them at this forum already? Worth a hundred brochures!

Those discount voucher books are great though, we love 'em.

28-05-2009, 03:15
Thanks for your info especially Angela for your offer .Angela I have sent a PM with my details
